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Shootout on the Tularosa

March 9, 1878; John Wagner's Sheep Camp, Rio Tularosa, Lincoln County, New Mexico Territory---Jessie Evans and his fellow gang member, Tom Hill, have been on the run for several days now, trying to avoid the wrath of the Regulators, who hold warrants for their arrest in the murder of John Tunstall. On the Rio Tularosa, the duo spots the sheep camp of rancher John Wagner. Wagner is gone, however, and a lone Cherokee sheep-herder is in charge of the camp. Deciding the situation is too good to pass up, the two ruffians gallop towards the ranch with the intent of looting it. They ride over the Cherokee herder, dismount from their horses, and hold the herder at gunpoint. When the Cherokee protests against them robbing his boss's camp, one of the outlaws shoots him in the leg with his pistol, dropping him to the ground. Evidently, Jessie and Hill believe they killed the Cherokee and begin looting the camp. With their backs turned, the Cherokee crawls away to a part of the camp where he locates a Winchester rifle. Turning back to face the two looters, he takes careful aim, takes a deep breath, and squeezes off a quick round. The slug tears through the torso of the unsuspecting Tom Hill, dropping him to the ground and killing him instantly. Jessie turns to face the Cherokee, but before he can draw his pistol, the Cherokee pulls the trigger again. This round smashes into Jessie's left elbow, shattering the bone. Jessie turns and runs as fast as he can towards his horse. With his left arm hanging useless at his side, he manages to pull himself into his saddle with his right arm. As the Cherokee continues to shoot at him, Jessie puts his spurs to his horse's sides and makes his galloping escape.

Later in the day, on his way to his gang's headquarters of Shedd's Ranch for medical attention, Jessie runs into a local constable by the name of Dave Wood. Wood places the badly wounded outlaw chieftan under arrest and escorts him to Fort Stanton. At the fort, Jessie receives medical attention and learns he'll never regain the use of his left-arm. He will remain under arrest at the fort, and therefore out of action, for months.

Jessie Evans Gang members involved

Civilians involved