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Purported Photos of Billy the Kid, Page 6

Billy the Kid?

This is a newly discovered photo that was e-mailed to my by its owner. The original photo is a tintype and was in the owner's family for many years. In the photo album where it was kept it had been labled "Wm. Billy Kid." On the back, it is dated August 10, 1878. On this date, Billy and the Regulators would have been in the vicinity of Fort Sumner, Anton Chico, and Las Vegas. While it seems very unlikely that Billy would have had the chance to get his picture taken in such small settlements as Sumner or Chico, it is certainly possible that he could have had it taken in Vegas, a much larger community.

NOTE: When I was first e-mailed this photo, I had a poll asking my visitors to vote on whether they believed this photo was actually Billy. The majority of those who participated in the poll seemed to agree that this photo is not of Billy the Kid.

Billy the Kid?

This photo was recently e-mailed to me by the owner, who suspects that it may be Billy the Kid. According to the owner, he purchased the photo at an estate sale a few years ago. Compare this photo with the alleged Billy photo owned by Ray John de Aragon, located in the page entitled "Purported Photos of Billy the Kid, page 5."

As before, what are everyone's opinions on this? E-mail me, or leave a comment in the poll located on the home page!

NOTE: When I was first e-mailed this photo, I had a poll asking my visitors to vote on whether they believed this photo was actually Billy. The majority of those who participated in the poll seemed to agree that this photo is not of Billy the Kid.