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Billy the Kid

On the left we have, of course, a closeup of the only authenticated photo of the Kid. The two photos to its right come from Sallie Chisum's collection. The one in the middle seems to show a boy of around fourteen, with his chin, nose, ears, and hair comparing favorably with Billy. Note especially the way the lips set, as though buck teeth were pushing out against them. If indeed Billy, it would likely have been taken while he was living in Silver City. On the far right is another Kid candidate, his age closer to that of Billy in the genuine tintype. His face is less full, his cheekbones more prominent, which would be expected from a youth living Billy's life. Again, the ears are a strong point for similarity, as is the long nose. While the clothing doesn't seem to match our idea of what Billy wore, who's to say he couldn't have spent some of his rustling money or gambling winnings on a suit, maybe to look good for Pat Garrett's wedding (which available evidence suggests he did attend), or maybe simply to see himself in a different light for his rare photo opportunity.