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Aniruddha Bhate

                      I am an Electronics Engineer. I Graduated ( Bachelor of Engineering in Electronics ) from Shah and Anchor Kutchhi Engineering college affiliated to University of Bombay.
                 I am presently working in Instrument Overhaul Division of Engineering Department of AIR INDIA  as an Asst. Aircraft Maintenance Engineer. I have passed the A.M.E. examination conducted by Directorate General of Civil Aviation (D.G.C.A.) India.  I hold BAMEL in the INSTRUMENT SYSTEMS Category.

              Previously I was employed with M/S Oriole Electronics Pvt. Ltd. as an Research and Development Engineer for 2 years. I worked in the Microprocessor section of the R & D department. My job was design and development of customized (mainly 8051 family based)  products. I have developed Hand Held Terminals for various applications in Telecom sector and for use as data downloading terminals for Electronic Energy meters. I have also developed a Flash EPROM micro controller ( Atmel's 89C51, 89C52, 89C2051 and 89C1051 ) programmer. The programmer connects  directly to PC printer port (LPT1 or LPT2). The software and drivers for the same are written by me.

            I have through knowledge of development of EMBEDDED SYSTEMS. I am well versed with various development tools (emulators , cross compilers etc.) used.

            The Software for various products developed at Oriole Electronics was written in "C" and cross compiled, Linked and then downloaded in EPROM. I also have learned VC++.

            As a member of Student council of my college during the third and fourth year I shared the responsibility of organizing various cultural and sports events during the annual festival of the college.

           I won second prize  at National level technical symposium “ELECTROSEM-94” organized by I.G.G. ENGG.  COLLEGE  SAGAR  (  M.P. ) .I presented a paper titled " Traffic Signal Control using Fuzzy Logic ". The paper conceptually explained the application of fuzzy logic to control duration of traffic lights depending on traffic density on the various roads at the junction.

        I have interest in Astronomy and learn and enjoy observing the celestial bodies as and when possible. I try to keep myself abreast with latest happening in this field. Any special celestial event is a must see for me.

        The pleasure of reading is unique and I read anything and every thing from Thick Novels to a single newspaper column that I find interesting.

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