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Ummm...Happy Belated New Years...
Ok, well, I guess that there is a lot of news that hasn't been posted on the site yet. Brandon and Chris are not in the band anymore, and we really are in need of a drummer. We think that we could make it with one guitarist, but if you live around Trenton/Detroit (Michigan) then email Jeremy or Nick if you are a drummer or a guitarist that likes the stuff that we do. If you are actually serious about the whole thing then we can set up something to try you out. Remember that we are only 16 and 17 year olds...Just keep that in mind. Well, now that you have seen the big change, it will be obvious that sounds won't be up without a drummer of course, so bear with us please.
P.S.-If anyone has a PA system that they would be willing to sell, please email Jeremy or Nick at the addresses above. It would be helpful if it had over 4 inputs. Thanks, keep checking out the site...Peace


Sorry about such the long time that it took to get more news up. This is what has been going on with UnXposed. Mike has not been doing too good in school and has been getting harped on for his grades, so right now he is sitting at home because he can't leave. That means that we won't be recording, or writing anytime soon, unless he gets his grades up. We aren't breaking up or anything. The band members will still write music, just without lyrics for now, so we will keep you up to date. Sorry about all the crap that's going on, peace.


We are getting ready to be recording a demo tape pretty soon now. We just need to get
everything that we have organized, then we will make the demo. If you are interested in
getting our demo after it is done give Jeremy an email at Thanks a lot!.


We have been talking to someone about promoting our band and possibly hooking
us up with a recording studio deal. She is REALLY cool and she found out about us, (Don't
ask me how). But Lindsay, if you are reading this, just keep in touch because you are cool
and we need this a lot. Talk to you soon. You guys keep checking in!


Well, as you can see if you were here before, the website went under major
construction and is up and ready. If ANYONE has any suggestions for the site
drop us a line in the guestbook or email us. It is greatly appreciated. Also, we
need more guestbook signatures, so many people view the guestbook, but
never sign it, so please think of that also. Thanks, and keep checking in.


Don't worry people, we are still a band. We have just been practicing almost
daily and I haven't got to update the news in a while. We wrote a bunch of
new songs and we will be recording them and posting them hopefully
pretty soon. Just keep posted!!


It's been a long time huh? UnXposed was very busy with other stuff so
they took a break from the band. Luckily we have a drummer and a new
bassist and we are back! We have lots of songs that will hopefully be in the
sounds section soon. We hope all you will keep checking in and support us!


Jeremy and Brandon are going to start to write music on 7-string guitar.
They are saving up to buy one soon. Mike is starting to write songs for the
next recording session.


Well, Our drummer started to annoy us so we kicked him out today.
We need a new drummer so we are going to search around. We are still
going to take pics and stuff without him, like individuals. And we
might record and add in the drums later. We aren't really sure at the time.
