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Merry Meet. Allow my friend and I to welcome you to our humble haven. My name is CrystalDragon and I am wiccan. The map on the left of the screen will take you where ever within my site you would like to go. The rest of this page is merely a little bit about myself. Enjoy yourself and when you chose to leave, Merry Part.

I was not born into a pagan household. Both my parents are catholic. My father was lutheren, but converted in order to marry my mother. I never felt comfortable. I always thought the earth was a power itself, not merely a creation. A few years ago I met up with a friend of mine who is wiccan. For the first time I expressed my thoughts and beliefs and he told me I was better suited to be wiccan or another pagan "sub-religion" as he called it. I read the beliefs of wiccans and began to realize that I shared them. I waited the traditional period of a year and a day before being initiated.

I chose CrystalDragon as my craft name for specific reasons. I chose Crystal because a crystal in its most natural state doesn't appear to be much, but after one has discovered what's on the inside, the value, beauty and power of it is revealed. I chose Dragon because it is my belief that dragons were not vile, destructive, fire-breathing reptiles. They were kind and intelligent creatures who would only fight in self defense, never out of anger or aggression. I thought that these two words symbolized me somewhat and so I put them together as my craft name. It turns out that these two words also symbolize every element, making even more my choice for a craft name.

Please know that my website is not meant to coerce anyone into thinking the same as myself. My wesite is for informational purposes and enjoyment. Should you visit my online Book of Shadows, you will see that most of it is simply information about the craft. The format is different from my personal Book of Shadows, but I felt the online version should be easy for one, such as yourself, to find the information you may be looking for.

I thank you for your patience in listening to what I have to say. Once more, please enjoy my website and do not hesitate to email me with any comments, questions or suggestions you might have. Also, if you find a broken link, I would appriciate it if you would email me and let me know so I can fix the problem. Thank you again.