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Hi! This is my personal Web page that I started my Senior year in h.s., I am now at the begining of my 4th year of college, and as I learn more and more, I will update this and make it well, not so lame. {:P So this site will be underconstruction all the time. As of late I still have not had time to pollish up these skills I am consentrating a little more on my degree so maybe after I am all done I can take a web builder class and see what I can add to my knowledge. I hope you enjoy it and please sign my guest book.I found a new guest book so I'm going to put everyones messages in there that were on there the first time...but please sign again if you feel so inclined. :)
Oh and please feel free to e-mail me. :)my e-mail
I got a new number counter as you can see from the bottom of my page...to bad I had to start over, but oh well!
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