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Unknown & Some Known Beatle Facts

It's easy to guess what this page is about. Here are some facts I've dug up. Enjoy!

Dates, Anniversaries, & Events

7 July, 1940- Richard Starkey was born at home in Liverpool. 9 Oct. 1940- John Lennon was born at Oxford St. Maternity Home, Liverpool. 18 June, 1942- Paul McCartney was born at Walton General Hospital, Liverpool. 25 Feb. 1943- George Harrison was born at home in Wavertree, Liverpool. 6 July, 1956- John & Paul meet at St. Peter's, Woolton, Liverpool. Jan 1960- Stuart Sutcliffe joins the band as bassist. 20-28 May, 1960- Beatles 1st tour, in Scotland, with Johnny Gentle. 9 Feb. 1962- Brian Epstein meets the Beatles for the 1st time. 24 Jan. 1962- Beatles sign Epstein to be their manager. 6 June, 1962- Beatles audition for Parlaphone at Abbey Road. 16 Aug. 1962- Pete Best fired; Ringo Starr joins. 23 Aug. 1962- John Lennon & Cynthia Powell get married. 4 Sep. 1962- Beatles record "Love Me Do" & "How Do You Do It," at Abbey Road Studios, London. 11. Jan 1963- "Please Please Me" released with "Ask Me Why". 22 Feb. 1963- "Please Please Me" hits #1 on U.K. charts. 14 Oct. 1963- the term "Beatlemania" first used. 25-29 Oct. 1963- The First overseas tour, in Sweden. 18 Jan. 1964- "I Want To Hold Your Hand" enters Billboard Hot 100. 7 Feb. 1964- Beatles fly to New York for 1st U.S. concerts. 9 Feb. 1964- Beatles appear on Ed Sullivan Show. 4-30 June, 1964- First World tour. 19 Aug.- 20 Sep. 1964- The First American tours. 28 Aug. 1964- Beatles first try marijuana. 11 Feb. 1965- Ringo Starr & Maureen Cox get married. 15-31 Aug. 1965- The 2nd American tour. 26 Oct. 1965- Beatles made Members of the Order of the British Empire by Queen Elizabeth. 21 Jan. 1966- George Harrison and Patti Boyd get married. 12-30 Aug. 1966- their final American tour. 24 Aug. 1967- Beatles meet Maharishi Mahesh Yogi in London. 26 Aug. 1967- Brian Epstein found dead. Feb. 1968- Beatles fly to India for Maharishi's 3 month meditation course. 18 Oct. 1968- John and Yoko arrested for possession of cannabis. 12 March 1969- Paul & Linda Eastman married. George & Patti's home raided by narcotics officers. 20 May, 1969- Allen Klein signed as manager to the Beatles. Paul refuses to sign. 26 Sep. 1969- Abbey Road released. 8 Nov. 1969- John & Cynthia's divorce finalized. 10 April, 1970- Paul announces he is leaving The Beatles. 8 May 1970- Let It Be released. 31 Dec. 1970- Paul sues other 3 Beatles to dissolve partnership. 8 Dec. 1980- John Lennon murdered in New York.

Beatles Kids

8 April 1963- Julian Lennon born at 7.45 a.m. at Sefton General Hospital. 9 Oct. 1975- Sean Lennon born at New York Hospital. (John's 35th Birthday) 13 Sep. 1965- Zak Starkey born. 19 Aug. 1967- Jason Starkey born. 17 Nov. 1970- Lee Starkey born. 29 Aug. 1969- Mary McCartney born. 3 Sep. 1971- Stella McCartney born. 12 Sep. 1977- James McCartney born.

Unknown Beatles Facts

During the Cavern gigs, Ringo became female fans favourite. Maureen Cox asked Ringo for his autograph while on her way to a hair dressing class in 1962. Another time, she kissed him as he was leaving the Cavern dressing room. He then asks her to dance and later drove her and her friend home afterward. The Beatles become millionaires in 1965. In 1964, Beatle-related products brought an estimated $50 million (over $250 million in 1997 dollars) in the United States. On the day the Beatles arrived in New York for the 1st time, radio deejays announced temperature in "Beatle degrees" and time in "Beatle minutes". In Seattle, a female fan who was trying to get backstage, fell 25 feet down a ventilation shaft and dropped onto the floor at Ringo's feet. He asked her if she was sure she was okay, but she ran from him and disappeared in the crowd. In California, fans were seen eating the grass that Ringo walked on. When he was asked what he thought about this, he replied, "I just hope they don't get indigestion." They rarely wore headphones in the studio. On "Love Me Do", John plays harmonica, which he says he shoplifted from a store in Holland. After George came to the band, the name Quarry Men was dropped and the band tried names as The Rainbows, or the Moondogs, or even for one night, Johnny & the Moondogs. Yoko Ono's name means 'ocean child'. George, 3 grades behind John, also attended Dovedale, but they never met. George later moved on to the Liverpool Institute in 1954, where Paul was a student one year ahead of him. On the last day before break at the Institute, Paul brought his guitar to class, stood on a desk, played and sang 2 Little Richard songs: "Long Tall Sally" & "Tutti Frutti". Paul still owns his first guitar. George was introduced to the Quarry Men by Paul and became accepted into the group by the much older John. The band could now practise at George's and Paul's, but never at John's. Mimi wouldn't even let George in the house after he showed up with a crew cut and a pink shirt. When Beatlemania broke, a factory in a London suburb started producing Beatle wigs, and claimed they received orders from Buckingham Palace and Eton. George told a reporter that when they received notification of the MBE awards by mail, they thought that the official envelope and 10 Downing Street return address meant they were being drafted. Brian Epstein reportedly asked Sullivan the night of the first performance, "I would like to know the exact wording of your introduction." Sullivan replied, "I would like you to get lost." The Beatles received a telegram of congratulations from Elvis, which was read on the air. In one scene of "Help!" The Beatles sing Beethoven's "Ode To Joy" to calm a lion. Off camera, was a lion tamer with a rifle ready.