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Hey everyone. Obviously you decided you wanted to see more of me. Or wanted to see if I had any cute buddies. Or wanted to laugh at the people here. Well, whatever reason you're here for please feel free to stay as long as you like, and nose around my site.

If anyone who sees this page (and does not have a photo of themselves on here) wants to be on here, then please let me know. If you want a pic on my page, you should already know me, so i'm not going to post details on how to contact me.

All the people that appear on these pages are my special little fuzzies, and mean lots to me. So, without any further ado, please choose a page to begin with..


Rach's Friends Page 1
Rach's Friends Page 2
Rach's Friends Page 4
Rach's Friends Page 5
Rach's Friends Page 6
Rach's Friends Page 7
Rach's Friends Page 8
My Puppy's Page
For all those people who hate Microsoft Word

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