And Just Who Is Kittie?

Well, after watching the video I've come to the following conclusions:


Instrument: Vocals and Guitar

Age: 18

She is a very intelligent, independent woman.
Fallon said that when she first met Morgan she was rather intimidated (by her intelligence, I'm guessing).

Little Tidbits: She is disgusted if a guy gives her flowers,
so don't do that if you're trying to stay off of her bad side.


Instrument: Guitar and Vocals

Age: 16

Fallon is quiet, but goofy at times.

Little Tidbits: She likes to light a candle before they go on stage and
she keeps it lit until they go on.


Instrument: Bass Guitar

Age: 17

Talena likes to be known as "the evil one" she, at times can be loud and
outspoken. But mostly likes to keep quiet.

Little Tidbits: She has 14 piercings and likes to golf...LOL J/K
Just couldn't think of anything else besides the piercings, so,
it looked a little blank. I repeat that was a joke.


Instrument: Drums

Age: 16

Mercedes is also known as the exhibitionist of Kittie. Between bread, elevators
and funny faces she is the exact opposite on stage. Very serious and c

Little Tidbits: The members of Kittie where in a glass elevator sometime earlier
this year and Mercedes gave the onlookers below a pressed-fruit bowl.