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Kalous (the middle guy in the pic)

Kalous Dawn (pronounced Kal-oh-ss) was born over 1,000 years ago in Ireland. He lived with his abusive father and mother, and three siblings. Every summer a clan of gypsies would travel through his area, and his best friend and him would sneak out of their houses to go see the dancing and singing. Soon the gypsies became more of a family to them than their own, and even though it was dangerous, they risked seeing this clan anyway. One night Kalous came home from these "outings" to his drunken and angry father... and his friends who were in the same shape. His dad had discovered his visits with the gypsies, and had before that, restricted him from seeing them. To punish him, he beat him severely... And then let his drunken friends do as they pleased with him. He was raped three times by them, and then, bloody and sore, was thrown outside to stay the night in the grass. During that night, Lavidian came to him. Kalous was kidnapped and taken to England where he was raised to the age of 23 by Lavidian. Everything was perfect for him until Lavidian started gathering people together in his basement, locking them in chains. Soon he had over fifty people stored down there. Kal went to investigate the matter, and found them all to be vampires. Lavidian had transformed them all, then left them there to starve. Kal was soon after also changed by his own free well. But things became worse. Lavidian became more and more insane, and soon Kal was abused just as much as the others locked up downstairs. He was chained to a wall in a dark room, and left there for over 998 years. During this time he was occasionally fed by helpless mortals, and only enough to hold him over. The other vampires locked away were killed off in brutal ways, one by one over the years. Lavidian finally decided to kill Kalous' lover, Ailin, and did it in front of him. The gypsies realized this, and cast a spell to make Ailin's soul stay with Kal's body for eternity. Kal escaped from Lavidian and fled to Rhydin, in hopes of being free. However, Lavidian followed him, and attempted to kill him. He was left with no choices than either to kill him, or be his prisoner again. His Sire was soon destroyed, and his life given back to him. After a while of being homeless, he found an abandoned house in a lonely forest that he named "Shivering Forest," and lived there by himself for a while. He was later re-united with an old friend in Vampire Slayer Inn, and soon after that they moved in with each other. For a while he was engaged with Juliet, but that didn't last long after he discovered her mental illness. She reminded him too much of his painful past, and he just couldn't handle it anymore. Kalous now lives with his best friend and lover, Sparticus, in Shivering Forest. He has also allowed a few others to occupy his forest, an anthro panther, a half-breed of angel and elf, his wolf Raysosh, and a small clan of Gargoyles.
