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The Home Improvement Zone uses a lot of different fonts to keep away from being bland. However, you may not have some of these fonts on your computer so when you view the page your computer shows a generic font. For example if to the font used in the rest of this paragraph, you do not have the Verdana font. So here is where you can download those fonts and add them to your system so not only will you be able to view the Home Improvement Zone the way it was meant to be, but also you will be able to use them regularly as a font for word processing and the such. The following are all TrueType font files. All fonts will take less than a minute to download. There are images of the font above the download information, if you don't recognize them, you should download the font beneath it. IMPORTANT: Windows users choose to save the font to the C:\Windows\Fonts file and then you have nothing else to do.

Stencil (used on almost every page in the site)
47.5 KB
Download now

Verdana (used on much of the site, including this page)
107 KB
Download now

Comic Sans MS (used on Jungle 2 Jungle, Toy Story 2, and other pages)
61.5 KB
Download now

Kidprint (used on Toy Story page)
51.5 KB
Download now

Ashley Inline (used on Jungle 2 Jungle page)
45.3 KB
Download now

If you are having trouble downloading these fonts and/or installing them into your system, e-mail me and I'll help you.

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