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GoDDeSs AnGie'S PaGe

Hey Peepz :) Recently I've become much more involved with adding onto my page. *Quite pathetic, huh?* Anyways, so that means that it will be consistantly updated so you people have no excuse not to come and lewk at it periodicly. AND SIGN MY DREAM BOOK AND GUEST BOOK. :) They feel awfully lonely.

I also need to thank Kayla and Rosie for helping me figure out how to set up this damn thing in the first place. You both were a great help and I love you for it. :)

Am I on Yahoo?! *I doubt it...*

Here's my AIM screen name, scroll down and you'll later see the one for AOL.

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Stuff About Me

NEW!!!¤~My NewEST LoVe OBseSSion~¤

NEW!!!!!R.I.P Please read this... I've dedicated this section to a friend that died too soon...

UpDaTeD!@#@! Mah BudZ :D~ I feel the need to acknowledge some of my friends that put up with me and dont put a gun to my head. :) I love them all

NeW!@#@!@ Various Poems A section I'm actually proud of :)

UpDaTed!@#@!Prodigy ShoutOutZ Then there's those people that you can tell stuff to and not worry about what they're gonna think about you :)


NeW!@#@! ~¤~AwArdZ~¤~ Do YoU have an award up here?!?

¥¤~§tévê~¤¥ This is my bestest friend :)

Da Trises ;D~

NeW!@#@!DaDDy's LiL RuleZ

Lame OneZ You know those people you just wanna smack upside the head with a steel pipe? Well, this page is dedicated to those people :)

UpDaTeD!@#@!ThE OneS I LovE I put a few up, hopefully I'll get more shortly...

Here's my AOL screen name

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Last Updated~ March 14th 2000