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BO's Brew-House Information

All of BO's BEERS are 100% brewed in our custom-designed Brew-house here at 51 N. Saginaw.  Our copper-clad 15bbl brew kettles are easily visible through the plate-glass windows at the front of our building.   And during brewing operations, the pleasant aroma of barley & hops fills the air inside and outside our facility.

Inside BO's custom beer cooler, our six, 15bbl stainless steel serving tanks are chilled to the proper temperature to produce the best taste.

All of BO's tap handles are connected from our two full-length, custom-built bars directly to our serving tanks in BO's Beer Cooler. This direct connection assures you that BO's has the freshest, best tasting beer in town.

All of BO's house-brewed beers are served from 24 tower-mounted taps. BO's own Root Beer is served from two additional taps.




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