Ypsilanti Hardcore

Self described as Nerd Noise but these guys definitely rock out unlike certain emo fag bands I know...

4% Speaks!!!

These guys are off the fucking map. Hardcore, freakout punk/metal.

An interview with Ypsi's craziest Hardcore band...

This ypsi hardcore bands sports a chic guitarist that will smoke all of you "anti-rock guitarists" out there.

Known for their aggressive death metal as well as intricate guitar driven epics. Ypsi's Harcore Rulers.

An interview with JNC

Psychadelic Neo-Dada Art Rock. Hardcore in spirit: they strive to deconstruct the notion of normalcy.


Unusual, passionate ypsi band. Guitarist reminds me of Alex Lifeson. Very hot bass lady but she can really play. Odd skins/vocalist combo.

Sci-Fi Punk Masters

These guys sent me a demo and I actually liked it. The first song in particular was very catchy and memorable. And I don't give handouts.

An Interview...


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