Antics' Page

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My all-time favorite picture!

Welcome to my site of everything and nothing at the same time. Do you know how long I've had this freaking site? OVER 6 years, and I've yet to do anything with it. This time may be different because I'll be having to maintain my wife's EQ site, so that is going to keep refreshed on html and such. Well, this will probably end up being a fantasy images site, along with a midi file site as well. I like both, and they are a managable file size per, so I can provide many, many of each =).

Anyhow, while you're here, why don't you take a look around and enjoy yourself. Pretty soon I should have a guestbook for people to sign if they wish. I also wish to host little polls and what not, if I can ever get people to frequent the site. Other than that, I'm an open book, so feel free to e-mail me with suggestions, comments, or files you would like to see on the site.

These are my links. They are sparce, but they are here =D