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Tiny Love Spaces
I don't care if you leave your name after the beep
Don't care if those are promises that you intend to keep
'Cause lovers are just shadows that disappear with the light
And my happiness don't depend on if you come tonight.
I don't think that you're cheap, I don't expect anything
You don't gotta leave what time you called on my machine.

'Cause being in love just means calling places
When you can't afford the bill
'Cause we all got these tiny love spaces
That we need to fill.

Filling up tiny love spaces
Getting lost inside of insatiable mazes
Looking for heroes in worn-out faces
Looking for a great big love in tiny places.

You wake up, it's the next morning
Put my high-powered Colombian crystals in the coffee machine
Read the newspaper, drink six cups of coffee
Listen to Mozart's Fifth, do most anything
Not to hear the phone ring.

And I don't mind
That you're emotionally blind
Don't care if I'm someone you want to see.
You don't got to leave your number for me
'Cause I don't need your gosh-darn phone calls telling me how you feel
I only just need to make love to tell me that I'm real.

'Cause we all got these tiny love spaces
That we need to fill.

Train Song (Paler Shade of Gray)
I try to recall what it was you said to me just then
But this train keeps on rocking me back to sleep
And I fear come tomorrow I won't even remember your name.

I'd make myself remember, make myself recall
But these promises and these vows I made you now
Seem to have no voice at all
The color of the canyons
When first it was said I love you
But these colors and these canyons
Now all seem silly and small
I don't understand at all
How these colors in my memory just fade
Into such a pale shade of gray.

And cold rails remind me of your cold feet
And my eyes expect to see you behind every door
But when I shut my eyes
I can't even recall what it is that you wore.

My God, was that only yesterday?
I can't even remember your face
I feel so far away.

I make myself remember, make myself recall
But these promises and these vows I made you now
Seem to have no voice at all
The color of the canyons
When first it was said I love you
But these colors and these canyons
Now all seem silly and small
I don't understand at all
How these colors in my memory just fade away
Into such a pale shade of gray.

I say to myself, my God, I used to love him
I wanted to share with him my womb and my world
But now I stare at him as though through a glass wall
I say I used to love him but now I feel nothing for him at all
My God, how could this be
Won't you please explain this to me.

Now sleep sings to me in a sweet and urgent voice
And I fear that I have no choice but to forget these flowers
These daisies you gave me, the offerings you made me
The vows that we swore by, swearing we'd be together
Always and forever, the children we named and now we'll never have
And I know I'm supposed to meet you
I don't even think I'll remember your name tomorrow.

I make myself remember, make myself recall
But these promises and these vows I made you now
Seem to have no voice at all
The color of the canyons
When first it was said I love you
But these colors and these canyons
Now all seem silly and small
I don't understand at all
How these colors in my memory just fade away
Into such a pale shade of gray.

Under the Water
Bees are buzzing in their honey catacomb
All the noise seems to call my head a home
Can't escape the scratching, my blood makes a noise
It's hard not to play when there are so many toys
So many toys.

Under the water
The total is more than the sum
Under the water
I hear who I'll become.

There's a hole inside my head where all the thoughts break out
Sometimes my flesh is filled with forgetfulness and doubt
It's easy to feel separate, no control of the reigns
Innocence ain't lost, it just needs to be maintained
It needs to be maintained.

Beside me are strange fish, moody and dark
A tapestry of intention that maintains the spark
And there's a tiny light, a flicker within
Forgiveness is the needle that knows how to mend
It knows how to mend.

Under the water
The total is more than the sum
Under the water
I hear who I'll become.

I've decided to hear who we will become
Wanna lay down in the water, go back to where I'm from
Outer space is just a puzzle of stars
Music the mechanics of the human heart
A post that stirs, a shadow that casts
An insatiable thirst drains a martini glass.

There's no place sacred, no honest reflection
Our senses made senseless by a lack of direction
Monks are great with their fists uncurled
But they live in a cave, they know nothing of the world.
I wanna live brave, I wanna love without fear
But it's hard to navigate when I can't even hear.

Bees are buzzing in their honey catacomb
All the noise seems to call my head a home
Can't escape the scratching, my blood makes a noise
It's hard not to play when there are so many toys
There are so many toys.

Under the water
The total is more than the sum
Under the water
I hear who I'll become.

Under the water
My flesh is filled with stars
Under the water
I hear who we really are.

Under the water
I lay my burdens down, down, down
Under the water
All resistance drowns.

Come on, come down
Down, down under go
Go down on and go down under
Go under the water
I hear who I'll become.

Under the water
I lay my problems down
Under the water
All my resistance drowned.

Unsung in Your Eyes
Rising to the challenge
Tough boys always appeal
With a little bit of orange
With a little bit of blue
I'm gonna fix you up
Bring out the best in you.

I'm going to empty myself out
Hollowed of pride and alone
Filled in with myself
The courage will be my own
But still I falter
Your hands know not my own
It's not that my body is overlooked
My soul is just unknown.

And I cry myself to sleep
It should come as no surprise
I've tailored myself to fit your needs
Still I am unsung in your eyes
Still I am unsung in your eyes.

V-12 Cadillac
He's lonely and he cruises real low
That's my V-12 Cadillac
You know he's on the go
On down to the ocean
Surfboard by my side
He's my V-12 Cadillac
With deluxe power glide
I check the ocean, yeah.

From atop of the hill we're going surfing
In my Coup de Ville
I pull out on the freeway
I put my Caddy in low
Then this real cute guy passed me
But my horn just wouldn't blow.

So I pulled up beside him
Looked over real cool
Then he rolled down his window and he said,
"Hey baby, your Caddy's a jewel."
I check the ocean, yeah.

From atop of the hill we're going surfing
In my Coup de Ville
He's lonely and cruises real low
That's my V-12 Cadillac.
You know he's on the go
On down to the ocean
And my surfboard's by my side
It's my V-12 Cadillac.
With deluxe power glide
I check the ocean.

From the hill we're going surfing
In my Coup de Ville
Come on baby
"Hey nice board, you surf?"
"Give me a four foot wall and a good shoulder."
"Are you any good?"
"Oh honey, you don't know how good."

We're going surfing
In my Coup de Ville
Come on.

Very Big Girl
You say you're feeling charitable
And that she's just a helpless little girl
You say she needs counseling
But I find it hard to believe
Because baby looks like
A very big girl to me.

You say she's harmless
I don't know about that
Say, she's just a kitty cat to me
Looks like a very capable cat
Whatcha say about that?

You say she's unattractive
She doesn't turn you on
But that expression on your face
Ain't exactly a yawn
You say that she's harmless
But I find it hard to believe
Because baby looks like
A very big girl to me.

Yeah, that cupcake don't exactly
Look like no hostess to me
'Cause baby looks like
A very big girl to me.

Walk Away
Don't say I love you,
I won't say that I care
I'll pretend I never kissed you, or held you,
Or worshipped you, I swear.
I'll live in denial for as long as I live
'Cause what I need baby, this love just can't give
We have to walk away
We have to walk away.

I'll try not to sing,
You'll try not to talk with those lips
We'll forget all the sweet memories,
And now we'll just go with what is.
'Cause this love ain't loving, and I don't know why
But anything that stands so still can't be alive
We have to walk away
We have to walk away.

But there were times our love was so sweet
And it's memory that makes me want to make it last
But you can't make love work, anymore than you can make it leave
And it's then you gotta leave it yourself.

'Cause when love ain't loving but still ain't leaving
It's then you gotta leave it yourself.

Now jealousy can ride your heart like a sick kind of pony
And envy's just the same
And your loneliness can consume you no matter how much love you had
And when it all boils down, baby, there's no other way.
And I care much more than to make you stay
We have to walk away
We have to walk away.

So at night, when darkness fills me,
I'll pretend you never spoke my name
When I'm sitting home that lonely,
I'll pretend you're home and lonely, oh just the same.

And I'll pretend this sorrow, this sorrow will pass
And I'll try to pretend that this loneliness won't last
And that I'll walk away
Yeah, yeah, yeah.

But there were times our love was so sweet
And it's memory that makes me want to make it last
But you can't make love work, anymore than you can make it leave
And it's then you gotta leave it yourself.
But there were times our love was so sweet
And it's memory that makes me want to make it last
But you can't make love work, anymore than you can make it leave
And it's then you gotta leave it yourself.

'Cause when love ain't loving but still ain't leaving
It's then you gotta leave it yourself.

'Cause when love ain't loving but still ain't leaving
It's then you gotta leave it yourself.

So don't say
So don't say I love you
I won't say that I care.

When I Was With You
Do you remember when we were younger,
All those crazy things that we used to do?
You'd play my hips like drum sets
And sing all your favorite Stevie Wonder tunes
When I was with you.

Do you remember we did everything together?
I'd share my Otter Pops with you.
And we would sing in all the slimy, slimy barrooms
We'd watch for your cousin Ed on the evening news
When I was with you.

I'd warm your tootsies up, they're always so cold
And I'd fix you supper from leftovers two weeks old
And I'd read you the classified ads in bed
And you would point out all the miserable lives
That I could have had instead of being with you.

Could've been Whoopi Goldberg's breasts
Do you remember when you wrote all those letters?
Though I admit they were kind of sick
But still I knew I was your honey sugar dumpling
And just like a good line you'd always be there to lick
When I was with you.

Do you remember when you took all those classes?
All those crazy gadgets you would fix
I hated how cluttered our apartment was
I hated our landlord Harry, he was such a dick
When I was with you.

I'd warm your tootsies up, they're always so cold
And I'd fix you supper from leftovers two weeks old
And I'd read you the classified ads in bed
And you would point out all the miserable lives
That I could have had instead of being with you.

Could've been Richard Nixon's last pair of clean underwear
Do you remember when we went to Mexico
And stayed in that cute little place?
We were honing our fine love-making skills
And you tattooed "I love you" on your face.
When I was with you.

I still remember the last time that I saw you
You left me with a hotdog in my hand
Was it 'cause I didn't want a pickle?
Or was it a pretty seņorita?
Oh well, there was always stuff that I didn't understand
When I was with you.

I'd warm your tootsies up, they're always so cold
And I'd fix you supper from leftovers two weeks old
And I'd read you the classified ads in bed
And you would point out all the miserable lives
That I could have had instead of being with you
Being with you.
Being with you.

Without You by My Side
I lie so tired in my bed
And the moon shows herself to the door
And I shut my eyes.
I pray to God, won't you tell me please,
What's a girl like me doing
Lying here without you by my side
Lying here without you by my side
Lying here without you by my side.

The room fills with moonlight and memories of old times
But don't worry about me, I'm just fine most of the time
The hardest part is late night I'm home all alone
And the house is so still nothing better to do
Than think about you.
I'm lying here without you by my side
I'm here without you by my side.

How quick my heart wants to believe, I'll never be lonely again
As though (???) never thought about much
But it's lonely standing here
(???) and candle light and poetry
But mainly it's the warmth of your skin
And having you by my side
And how I love you by my side.

There's this pain in my heart, it's so heavy, so sad
Felt like a weight (???)
Feel so damn lonely
I'm lying here without you by my side
I'm lying here without you by my side.

You're so Small
Gonna walk down the street
And seduce every man I meet
Because I'm having a bad day
I am not size six
My legs are not skinny as sticks
And damn it, someone's got to pay
That's the power of a woman.

I feel unattractive, I'm gonna see if it's true
I'm going to break a heart or maybe two
I'm gonna put on a sexy red thing
Gonna run very late, I'm gonna pull some strings
'Cause my strength is in my power over you
The power of a woman.

But I'm afraid that I can't satisfy myself
And that my happiness depends on someone else
I feel weak, so you're gonna take the fall
You're so small, you're so small, you're so small.
You're so small, I feel fat, you're so small.
You're so small, I don't feel anything, 'cause you're so small.

You're in Cleveland Today
When walking underneath the shadows
Where dark and sweet secrets lay
When night tonight falls gently down
Hearts helplessly fall to the ground
Underneath a velvet sky
Only words can lie.

I wanna tell you everything
I wanna make your toes curl
You be my only boy
And I'll be your only girl
This much I'd like to say
But you're in Cleveland today.

Stewardesses like Cosmo magazine
Vogue makes me nervous, I feel so plain
But I could face the world fearlessly
If you would face it here with me
With just our four hands and four eyes
Traffic cops would compromise.

I wanna tell you everything
I wanna make your toes curl
You be my only boy
And I'll be your only girl
This much I'd like to say
But you're in Cleveland today.

Daffodils, and roulette wheels, and rusty automobiles
Somewhere our things share the same windowsill
Somewhere our hearts exist independent of time
Somewhere we are whole,
One body... one body and one mind.

From the air things look so ridiculous
Our fears so small, our flights so vain
I want to pilot a plane with you
So all our problems look small too
It's just an inch from me to you
Depending on what map you use.

I wanna tell you everything
I wanna make your toes curl
You be my only boy
And I'll be your only girl
This much I'd like to say
But you're in Cleveland today.
You're in Cleveland today.
You're in Cleveland today.

Pieces of You
Other Jewel Songs: A-C
Other Jewel Songs: D-H
Other Jewel Songs: I-L
Other Jewel Songs: M-O
Other Jewel Songs: P-S
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