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The Fiss's Web page

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The Fiss's web page

HI!!!!!! welcome!!! =) to our homepage...PLS take time to sign the guest book i would llike to see where ever one is coming from when they come here..thxs abunch..

let me know what you think of our home page and tell me what we can do with it to make it more lively. thanks Laura and Kevin even HTML code.

Well all i ahve been tryign to see wha ti can do to this page and i feel it is time to add some new things so you all can have PLS if you have any ways i can put spunk into this page let me know,

This is a little about my self(Laura), i am from Michigan i am 23/F i love to cook read and write. i have spent a year and half at Word Of Life Bible Insitute. I currently work for a company called Pinkerton Kevin is from Windsor,Canada he is a 26 /m he is into reading and sports of course :-) his profession is marketing retial sales..he is an indepentdatn seller..he is currently workign for walmart as a support manger we will be married God willing July 07, 2001 !!!

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To do some up date i ahve beeen doign pretty, getting ready for the wedding is not so easy it is alot of work buti enjoy it alot!!! Soon i will hear those wedding bells...

here are some of my web sites i enjoy goign to hope you do too

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Things close to my heart

  • GOD of course!!!
  • Kevin Fiss man of my soul!!!!!
  • COOKINg what i LOVE to do
  • Teddy bears what I collect

Places to go!!!!!!

ICQ a great palce to meet freidns and talk all the time
Chrsitians gather for great worshipping and talking
see what you can do free webpages
many things to do here just check it out
learn abour the creation virsus evoutions and many more biblical things
look to the Word for answers
A call for thos who are cooks.....and lvoe th lord come and stop by our humble little home
Get all teh help syou can
Gehost homepage
my freidns Lou page
a great chrsitan site
get your updaates here for windows
Aramark food service company
Go to cruise page
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