Troop 123, the place to be--


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News Flash:

Welcome to the online home of Troop 123, located in Clinton Valley Council, (Ojibwa District) Rochester, MI at St. Paul's United Methodist Church. Our troop goes on outings once a month, summer camp once a year, and 1 or more high adventures a year. Click below, and see pictures and more from our outings.
Be sure to do a full reload (Ctrl+Shift+Refresh), because we have been making ALOT of changes

For information on contacting us, send mail toTroop 123Or to contact our scoutmaster directly, send mail toThe Scoutmaster

Do you like our page? if so vote for it HERE for Angelfire's page of the month

Calander Photo Album 123 OA Scoutmasters' corner High adventures Venture crew Summercamp
Leaders' freespace Eagle list Scouting links BSA homepage OA homepage CVC homepage Ojibwa district

Email: Troop