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Oscar Nominations

New! I now have computer video's. I have the trailer for the movie, and I just recently recived the flying scene. The one where they kiss. If you would like them just email me. UPDATE!!!! OK everyone is excited that Titanic has walked away with 14 nominations for the Oscars. Congrats!!! But did you know that this is the first time that two actresses have been nominated the same year for playing the same charater in the same film? This is my first try at this so bear with me. My name is Angela and I'm 21 and I just loved the movie Titanic. And this is my contribution to it.I will be adding more to it. I'm just really happy I got this far! Don't forget to check out my collection of pictures. And the other links I've found. OK I think This is ready to be seen. If there is anything that is wrong or that I need to add feel free to email me. Sign My Guestbook
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