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Thunderbird's Dolphin Page

Hi. As you can tell, i'm a big dolphin lover. So this page is dedicated to all the dolphins that are in captivity, or wild. I love them all. Anyway, feel free to look around at my other pages while you look at this one. If you are such a dolphin lover like I am, please write me an e-mail and sign my guestbook. I need all the information I can get. Dolphins are very beautiful animals. They love to swim and communicate with others, like humans. Have you ever gotten so close to a dolphin to pet it? Well, if you did, please write me and tell me all about it cuz that will be my dream someday is too swim and pet a dolphin. When dolphins communicate with humans they use a series of clicks, or they do a trick by how the human does a hand signal.
This pink dolphin is a very rare creature. It is only found in Hong Kong where they call it pinka. Some people say its only a myth, but thats for you to figure out. What do you think? E-mail me and tell me your thoughts! This is a picture of a dolphin hand drawn by my good friend Silverphoenix. Pretty good wouldn't you say?
This is a picture of a cute character, his name is finfin. He is a mix between a dolphin and a bird(but mostly dolphin). Isn't he cute?

This Dolphin Webring site is owned by
Thunderbird .

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