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Tree The "Thompke's" Family Web Site



For now, information posted to the following pages, " 2 - 6 " will be limited due to on-going searches, and the compiling of those results! You will find numerous items of interest, and possibly some pages worth bookmarking, already well developed with much more to come in the nearest possible future. One page will be an extensive listing for searching about anything on the web. For links towards genealogy see Pg.#7 and 8. For just plain search engines, etc., then you will want to go to Pg.#8SE.


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The purpose of our "Web Pages" are to provide our family with as many resources as possible so as to invite inquires and to gather data on our ancestrial links!

(Web Pg. Birth:01/22/98)


-- Site Contents --


Today, if you were to ask any of our immediate family where they were from, there answer would not be Germany, Hungary, or even pre-America! No, the answer would most likely be the small town of Marshall, Michigan!

Even though this is just a memory for most, they will always long to return, and visit, to remember those times of yesterday!

During my youth as a teen growing up in this small town, it was very much like the movie "American Graffitti", like I'm sure, many small towns may have been.

Our town had what we called the "fountain" or the "circle", and during the summer months it was always in it's glory with it's showers of water flowing at ever changing heights, and bathed with changing colors like the rainbow.

This was in the center of the main drag that went East to West, and if you stood there long enough, you would eventually see everyone you new go by, sooner or later!

Pictures of Marshall,Mi. are pre-automobile, and also as it is today!
Dip into the fountain for this and more related info!


Next Pg.#2: Family Tree / Surnames
Jump Pg.#3: Thompke / German Genealogy
Jump Pg.#4: Kipker / German & Indian Genealogy
Jump Pg.#5: Summey / Native American?
Jump Pg.#6: Horvath / Hungarian Genealogy
Jump Pg.#7: Present Data/Search Areas/Non-Confirmed
Jump Pg.#8: Genealogy Sites/Hot Links/Guest Book/Search Engines
Jump Pg.#8SE: Search Engines Only!

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Please come back soon, since the evoloution of these pages have just begun!
Web Site Host - James A. Thompke
Site Birth: 22 January 98 Last Update: 25 April 1999

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