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About Christopher

Tell Me I was Dreaming

Song By,Travis Tritt

Christopher was born with Hemophila,What is Hemophila? Well it is where unlike you or I when we bleed internally or externally we stop bleeding after a short time,Not Christopher he needed a special treatment called Factor 8 ,Which in return stops bleeding.

Well He contracted tainted blood at age 5 or 6 yrs old.Tainted blood was infected with AIDS.

Well ever since birth he had been in and out of hospitals to and from Doctors.He did not live a normal life of a growing boy that wanted to be like the others,He could not ride his bike with fear of falling off and getting a bruise or a scrape unlike us growing up where we shrugged such little things off.But he did do those things and paid for those childhood acts of getting scrapes and cuts or even a simple bruise.

Anyway I look up to my mom for not throwing in the towel but stuck by his side through it all ,Unlike his deadbeat Father who left Chris and my mother when he was at age 2 .

Christopher had touched so many lives and got into so many hearts he was cherished by too many to even begin to mention.A few years before he passed away a foundation came in and gave him a dream come true ,It was the Rainbow Connection they grant terminaly Ill or dieing kids a wish Rather it be something as simple as getting something from a store or to meet a famous star,or even a trip to a place they always have wanted to go.Well Chris wanted to go to Florida Walt Disneyworld.Well they granted that for him and he went.They even went one step further tho' a lady that worked for that foundation was so touched by him she wanted to do more ,so she asked him for a second wish he said a Detroit tigers game would be nice.So she sent him to a game but not only did he watch this game he met the players in person.Knowing that this tickled him to have this done Susan the lady who was touched by his outlook on life went one more step she sent him to the Detroit Grand Prix,There he met a few big name drivers but one who was a new comer to driving was touched by christopher's outlook on life also and that was Robbie Buehl .He had made a few visits in the next few remianing months of christophers life to see him and visit.So now that you know not only even complete strangers but also loved ones were so over whelmed with him and his willing to fight and survive and be so caring that he was well known and will always be remembered not only by family members.

He had such a caring heart I remember the night before he passed away ,He had fallen out of bed and had woke me up,I came to his aide to get him back in bed,showing no concern of being woke up so abrupt just concern that he was ok and to get him back in bed.As I was leaving the room after knowing he was ok I remeber his last words spoken to me " I am sorry I woke you up",I of course told him it was ok and to go to sleep ,Later that morning while he slept he slipped into a coma and later in the early evening he passed away.

I hold alot of gratitude for he taught me alot ,yea it is strange younger brother of 14 yrs old teaching a 21 yr old something . But he did he taught me to be thankful for what we have and to never give up caring as much as it is hard to be angry as he was losing his life ,I can tell you one thing christopher may have passed away but he lives in my heart forever.


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