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A Piece Of Me!

Once again this page and my others, with the exception of my journal page, have gone through yet another revision. My journal page, on the other hand, is reserved for my thoughts for you to read and for my own way of trying figure things out in my head. Strange isn't it? But I feel that writing things down will help myself and maybe others.

I had this as my coming out page for the longest time but now I feel that I have moved past that stage into one of letting people know who I am.

Right now I will give you a run down of what my links are and what you might expect to see there.

  1. The first link is just going to take you to a search engine for the web.
  2. The next link is an e-card web site that is pretty gross and perverted though.
  3. Then there is my college's homepage.
  4. Then there is my major's homepage.
  5. And of course I have to have the link to my college's Alliance web page.
  6. Then come the pages on my site. The first one is about me and where I grew up and such.
  7. My journal page is where I try to keep you updated about what I have been doing lately.
  8. My poems page is something that I am quit proud of.
  9. My pictures page is a page dedicated to nothing but pictures of me and my friends and such.
  10. The next page is self explanatory.
  11. This site is a decent site for looking up music info.
  12. Planout is a good starting point for finding information about gays, lesbians, bi, and transgender.
  13. Then the next link is a search engine about the LGBT community.

Now that I have rambled on forever, you may go and explore my little piece of the world wide web. Enjoy my pages and the many other links that I have posted.

Remember, Life Can't Be That Bad, You Are Still Alive.

J o s h u a

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A few links

A search engine
Forget someones birthday, then head here (Pretty perverted though)
My University's homepage
My Major's homepage.
My University's LGBT Alliance page
A page about me
My journal page (Do you really want to go here?)
Some of my poems
A page for all the pictures that I wish to share to the world.
This page is dedicated to the webrings that I belong to
A good site for looking up music info. and some tour dates
A starting point for getting information on gays and lesbians
Basically this link is a queer search engine

Some Main Things About Me