First of all I would like to say that this site was NOT made on a MAC. If you know me you know why!
CKid's stuff page
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CKid's stuff page

Hi This is my fluff, his name is Sparky, please do not download Sparky off this web page, Sparky should follow you though my web site and be your guide but, some times being a fluff, he doesn't listen and leaves! In this case Spot will be there. I hope you like my web page, if you would like to contact me for any reason my e-mail address is To get your own free e-mail address go to
Also, I was supposed to put a picture link on my page, but I don't know how to put more than one picture on one page so to see this link go to my fluff page.

My Favorite Links

Angelfire - Easiest Free Home Pages
My web site where you can meet the fluffs.
My Nintendo page
My Chat Room!
My Other Chat room!
My Age of Empires Page.
My Best Friend's Web Site.
My Guest Book.
My Fluff Page
My web site garage.
My Command and counquer: Red Allert page

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