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Ultimate Sabretooth


Victor Creed

F) Am50
A) Rm30
S) Rm30
E) Am50
R) Ty6
I) Am50
P) Rm30

Health: 160 Karma: 86
Resoures: Gd Pop: -5

Known Powers:
Heightened Senses: Am
Tracking: Mn
Claws: Rm edged damage, Am material strength
Fangs: Ex edged damage to a grappled opponent.
Healing Factor: 5 per round
Recovery: Un
Infravision: Rm

Knife: Am material, Ex Edge

Talents: Detective/Espionage, Martial Arts A, C, Marksmanship, Guns, Stealth

Contacts: Weapon X Project

Bio-History: Much is unknown about Sabretooth. It is known that he works for the Weapon X Project and that he is one of their top assassins. Recently, Sabretooth has been given the job to hunt down Wolverine and bring him back. With the help of Spider-Man, Wolverine was able to defeat Sabretooth.