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Ultimate Professor X

Professor X

Professor Charles Franis Xaiver

F) Gd10
A) Fb2
S) Gd10
E) Gd10
R) Rm30
I) Ex20
P) Am50

Health: 32 Karma: 100
Resources: Gd Pop: 10

Known Powers:
Telepathy: Un
-Un mind probe
-Un project thought
-Mn mental command
-Un mental bolts
-Un psionic detection
-Mn Mind Wipe
Astral Form: CL1000 ability to go into the Asrtal Plane

Cerebro: Boosts Xavier's telepathy to CL1000, used to detect other mutants.

Limitaion: Xavier must make a Psyche FEAT to use his powers, with a -1 CS to for every rank of Psyche his target has over Ty (affecting someone with an In Psyche would be done at -4 CS.)
-When in an area of overwhelming evil, his psionic powers drop -2 CS due to his inability to concentrate.
-Paralyzed, confinded to wheelchair

Talents: Business/Finance, Resist Domination, Computers, Physics, Leadership

Contacts: X-Men

Bio-History: Charles Xavier's telepathic powers began emerging during adolescence; he learned to control them as he grew older. As an adult, Xavier befriended the mutant known as Magneto. Together, they discovered the Savage Land, a forgotten jungle. In this lost tropical world, Xavier and Magneto built a refuge for mutants seeking respite from persecution. For a time, the two men found the peace they sought -- but the partnership began to dissolve as Magneto became increasingly hateful toward mankind. He came to believe Homo Superior represented the next step in human evolution, and that Homo Sapiens should live under the rule of mutants. Xavier did not share Magneto's view. The two fought, with Magneto claiming their tropical haven. He ended the struggle by paralyzing Xavier with a metal spear through the back.
Xavier managed to escape and returned to the United States, where he established his "School for Gifted Children" -- using his ancestral mansion as a secret base to train young mutants to use their powers for humanity's benefit. During the months that followed, Xavier assembled his team of "X-Men" -- Storm, Colossus, Beast and his first two students: Cyclops and Marvel Girl.