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Ultimate Iceman


Bobby Drake

F) Ty6
A) Gd10
S) Gd10
E) Rm30
R) Ty6
I) Ty6
P) Gd10

Health:90 Karma:22
Resources:Gd Pop:0

Known Powers:
Ice Body: Iceman's entire body is composed of ice, it gives him the following powers:
-Ice Generation: Mn (and all powerstunts)
-Elongation: Gd
-Body Armor: In
-Shape alteration: Ex
-Self-Healing: up to Mn damage/turn
-Molecular Conversion: Am ability to freeze someones water molecules inside his body.

Body Armor: Ex vs. Physical and Energy.
-Cannot be detected as mutants with armor on

Talents: Student

Contacts: X-Men

Bio-History: Bobby Drake grew up in the suburbs of New York City. When he was 15 years old, his mutant ability manifested. Terrified of what might happen to his parents if the mutant-hunting Sentinels came for him, Bobby ran away from home.
Professor Charles Xavier -- assembling his team of "X-Men" to help him stop the coming war between humans and mutants -- located Bobby using Cerebro, a psychic amplifier. The youngster, confused and frightened by his burgeoning powers, had made his way to New York City's Times Square and hopped a Greyhound bus.
Unfortunately for Bobby, the X-Men weren't the only ones interested in his whereabouts: The Sentinels were closing in, as well. The android assassins seized the bus Bobby was on, then destroyed it -- but not before Beast had carried him to safety. As a Sentinel beheaded by Cyclops staggered toward a crowd of bystanders, Bobby used his mutant ability to freeze it in place. Impressed by this feat, Beast dubbed him "Iceman."