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Ultimate Blob

The Blob

Fred J. Dukes

F) Rm30
A) Pr4
S) Rm30
E) Mn75
R) Pr4
I) Gd10
P) Rm30

Health: 139 Karma: 34
Resources: Gd Pop: -15

Known Powers:
Bodily Expansion: Blob can flex his fat and break through restraints of up to Ex material
Body Armor: Un vs. physical attacks, Am vs. Energy attacks
Entrapment: Blob can hold an opponent with the equivalent of Mn Strength in the folds of his skin on a Green Psyche FEAT
Immovability: Using some form of personal gravity control, Blob is abile to plant himself to the ground. This takes 1 turn and then he can only be moved on a Red FEAT using Un Strength. A stunt that he has developed is the Gravity Smash that enables him to strike an opponent as if he had Mn strength. He can only do this when he's not planted to the Ground.


Talents: None

Contacts: Brotherhood of Mutants

Bio-History: Much is unknown about this Blob. He needs to have permission before he can "break wind", which might be a power soon!