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Fin Fang Foom

Fin Fang Foom

F) Am50
A) Rm30
S) Un100
E) Sh-X150
R) Pr4
I) Ex20
P) Mn75

Health: 380 Karma: 99
Resources: N/A Pop: -20

Known Powers:
Fin Fang Foom is a Chinese Dragons, one of the most powerful creatures on Earth:
Growth: Sh-Z
Claws: Rm edge
True Flight: Ty
Armor: Sh-Z vs. physical, shooting, fire, disease and Acid, Mn vs. other natural energies such as electricity, sonics and Am vs. unusual energies such as Dark force
Acid Cloud: covers up to 3 areas at a 5 area range, In dmg or Am vs metal
Tail: Am blunt
Telepathy limited to contact mortals, detect lies or charm if eye contact is made must make a Mn intensity psyche FEAT. to avoid.

Limitations: Vulnerable to certian poisonous herbs and potions, against with he has no resistances and health is cosidered 33 if higher than this