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Drax the Destroyer

Drax the Destroyer

F) In40
A) Rm30
S) Un100
E) Un100
R) Fb2
I) Fb2
P) Am50

Health: 270 Karma: 54
Resources: Pr Pop: 10

Known Powers:
Power Gem: the power gem boost Drax's statstics to the level listed above. Other powers due to the power gem's presence are quite likely, but yet unrevealed.
Immortality: Drax cannot be slain by physical means
Life Support: Un
Regeneration: 40 points/round
Recovery: Am
Invulnerable to Heat, Cold, Electricity, Radiation, Toxins and Disease. However, Drax can be stunned and slammed by physical attacks. Drax can only be killed by a mental attack.
Force Beams: Am Force, 10 areas.
Flight: CL1000 speeds in space, but is reduced to Mn speeds in a planetary atmosphere.

Talents: Resist Domination.

Contacts: Infinity Watch, Silver Surfer, Moondragon