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Crimson Dynamo

Crimson Dynamo VI

Valentin Shatolov

F) Rm30
A) In40
S) Am50
E) Mn75
R) Gd10
I) Gd10
P) Gd10

Health: 195 Karma: 30
Resources: Un Pop: 0 (30 in Russia)

Known Powers:
Armor: Listed Physical attributes as opposed to his normal TY rank.
-Body Armor: Am resistance to Physical, Energy, Fire, Heat, Cold. Un vs. Radiation.
-Flight: Gd airspeed.
-Blasters: In Electrical Blast, 3 areas range.
-Air Supply: 1 hour. CBR system will work for 450 hours.
-Sensors: In infravision
-Wide Band communicatior: Ex rank
-Microwave Detector: Ex
-ECM: May jam Radar with In ability.
-Shoulder Rams: The shoulder joints of the armor are heavily armored to protect the seals and allow a +1CS bobus on damage from charging attacks.

Talents: Military, Manipulation, Politics.

Contacts: Remont 4, Russian Government, Communist Party.