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Hi. My name is Richie
The purpose of this page is threefold.
One, to have my abducted pet chameleon returned to me.
Two, to expose a hideous government plot involving countless pet chameleons.
And three, to find comfort and closure for the countless chameleon owners across America
who's pets have been taken from them by evil government agents.

It all began last October when driving through West Palm Beach County, I stopped at the local K-mart.
Upon returning to my car, I found the window shattered and my pet chameleon gone.
The police were of no help as they said they were too busy with other "more important" things.
So I wiped my tears and hoped my old pal Spike (pictured on the left) was still alive somewhere and
I tried to get on with my life.

As the weeks passed I kept myself busy watching the Presidential Election
and the pain of my loss seemed to ease.
Then a friend of mine sent me a surprising story and picture. It seems that
hundreds of chameleons were found in
voting booths in and around West Palm Beach County, and that the critters
had been chomping on voting ballots.
The chomped on ballots were then rejected by the machines as having been punched more than once.
To my horror, MY chameleon was shown (pictured on the left) crawling out of a voting machine!
Had my pet been turned into a Chad Chomping Chameleon?
Had he helped someone steal an election?

The answers to these questions continued to baffle me for many months.
I decided I needed a vacation where I could just get away from it all and relax.
I left for Washington D.C. on the first of Feburary for the badly needed R and R.
As I was walking past the White House and looking over the lush manicured lawn,
what did I happen to see? My pet chameleon (pictured on the right) cavorting on the White House lawn with one of President Bush's dogs!
I called his name, Spike..Spike...he turned his head towards me but his eyes seemed glazed,
like he was drugged or something, and he ran away from me!

Last week I began receiving threatening phone calls and strange
knocks on my door late at night.
For fear of my life, I've had to move out of my apartment
and hole up in a modest motel.(pictured on the left)
But I'll keep working on the Chameleon Conspiracy.
I won't quit until justice is served!

If you have any information about the Conspiracy, or if you have seen some strange chameleons running amok,
please leave a message in the message forum below. Also, if you want to make a donation to help me while I'm
on the run, please feel free to post the amount in the forum and I'll get back to you.
If you do want to donate, please send CASH. No need to leave a paper trail for those pesky IRS agents to follow.
Until then, God Bless America and help Save the Chameleons!

Copyright 2001 The S.A.C.K. (Show All Chameleons Kindess) Foundation