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All my life I've always loved to write. You can't often say that it's normal for a 3rd grader to list writing as one of their favorite hobbies. Throughout school I've recieved awards for my short stories and poetry. I hope that you enjoy some of my favorite poems that I have written and that are postable. Next to the title you will find the grade in which I wrote the poem. Many people have recently asked me who a few of my poems are about, but I think the people will remain anonymous :-)... maybe you can figure out who they are by yourself, or maybe they're really not about anyone! Enjoy!

'Til I Fall Asleep (8th)

Stay with me 'til I fall asleep
After I pray the Lord my soul to keep
It's not the same to just count sheep
So stay with me till I fall asleep

Give me your comfort while I rest my head
As I sink into my pillow laying on my bed
I need some rest, that's what you said
So give me your comfort while I rest my head

Sing me a song while I shut my eyes
So sweet melodies will fill my mind
I need to be relaxed when I rise
So sing me a song while I shut my eyes

When I'm breathing soft and slow
You then will know
It's ok to go
But leave the door open just a crack
In case I wake up and need to call you back

Take (9th)

Take me for granted
I swear I wont care
All my dreams that I've planted
They are getting nowhere

Take it all out on me
I'm easy to blame
I know you will never see
It's never going to be the same

Take out my heart
Go ahead, rip it in two
My dream will never start
And it's all because of you

Take it all back
Say you're sorry, yeah right
Fuck you, you sack
I'm forefeiting this fight

Awkward Teenage Blues (9th)

Teenage years are passin' me by
One day I know I'll look back with a sigh
The crazy thoughts that live in my heart
Are only the start
Confusing is the life of a 14 year old girl
Curled up on my bed while the questions swirl
Things are happening to me that I just don't understand
And nobody can
Feelin' rushed is no big suprise
Feelin' tired as often as I rise
Feelin' sad and not knowin' the reason why
Feelin' so dazed you think you might fly
Wanna take a chance to be an adult for awhile
But end up turning away like a frightened child
Funny how I'll look back and see
I was only a teen
A scared, unsure, teen

Youth (9th)

We drank our childhood through a dream-like song.
The nights were shimmering and the days were long.
We would gallop through the trees without a care in the world.
And make up nonsense rhimes while our imaginations swirled.
We would laugh the hours away, no worries, no strife.
We would often sit and wonder about the other side of life.
But too soon did we push the innocense away.
Too soon we learned how to take life day by day.
Youth is like a rare precious pearl,
Never to be forgotten, never to be hurled.
We hope while the act of maturity rapidly sells,
That we might find in some rich paradise, ourselves.

Thank The Memories (9th)

We took our youth for granted
As the years flew past our eyes
Now, time we calmly except it
With heavy sighs

The good times and the bad times
The lows and the highs
Are looked back on with laughter
And silent cries

So is it over??.. It's over
As we walk on, down the road
Turn around and watch the memories
That our hearts show

I do belive that it was fate
That made us feel the way we do
And I won't regret a single day
That was spent with you

So hold me now awhile longer
I'll try my best not to cry
Keep the memories tight inside
And say goodbye

So is it over??.. It's over
As we walk on down the road
Turn around and watch the memories
That our hearts show

Silence (9th)

I possess a thing called silence
When I'm thinking so much yet have nothing to say
And I fill in the gaps of your loud loud world
While I try not to get in your way
And when I crawl out of my small little hole
You shove me back in and say- "Hush!"
I forgot, I'm not allowed to speak my mind
I forgot, I'm not allowed to make a fuss
I can only be happy when you are
My depression is the same
Although your soul fickles often
My soul must never change
I'm such a child sometimes
While you're the one being mature and smart
I noticed that we argue too much
Although I'm never the one to start
I possess a thing called silence
When I'm thinking so much yet have nothing to say
And I fill in the gaps of your loud loud world
Which I'll be out of someday

To That Certain Someone (9th)

I find myself in your eyes
I'm locked in your loving gaze
My thoughts are running up towards the skies
My head in a cloudy daze

Hold me now in your peacful embrace
I need you here to protect me
And when I'm sad kiss the tears from my face
And when I'm angry understand and let it be

I've let you enter my world and dreams
And I pray that you never will part
When I remember your laugh , I can't help but beam
You will always be part of my heart

You took my hand and led me through
A world of unspeakable happiness
My heart leaps with the thought of you
And your always perfect, loving kiss

Into The Light (9th)

I am covered by darkness
The calm empty shadows
Embrace me and hide me from the light

And they cover my eyes
And try to control my thoughts
And try to block the sun from my sight

They whisper in my ears
Stories with no meaning or thought
And they force me to look and understand

But I turn my face away
And my eyes open wide
To the beaming rays that spread across the land

I put out my hand
And I feel the warmth and passion
Coming from the rays

Though I am afraid
I step into the light
No longer concerned with the shadow's ways

I'm exposed by the light
With no darkness to hide me
And I notice all my weakness

But with a loving wind
They are swept away
Exposing all my sweetness

I stand on my own
With the shadows behind me
And before me lies the land of free will

I know I'll fall down
But I'll always get up
With the loving light in my heart with me still

Always Listening (9th)

And I lie awake
Sorrow aching to control my heart
And I pray
That you'll fill me with your comfort
And I try
To expand the faith in my soul
And I find
That it already has been expanding
And I smile
Because I know you are listening
And I don't
Have to even speak a word
And I know
That you wrap your arms around me
And I fall asleep again

Her (9th)

I am not the deamon
That shut your eyes
That makes you ignore
My pleas and cries
And I bite my lip
As I fantisize
You realizing I'm not her

I would speak my mind
But I don't even dare
Because ever word
Would be compared
And now I find
That it's just not fair
That you think I'm just like her

You don't believe me
When I say I love you
I just wish you could see
What I'm saying is true
And that I wont leave
'Cause people like you are few
And I just don't understand her

Look deep into your heart
And deep in my eyes
Let your new trust start
And the old lies die
Let me play my part
As we wave goodbye
To all the pain of her

Slutty (10th)

So I'm your fantasy?
Do you ever dream of me in my sweat pants?
So you dream of me?
Am I ever cold and tired at 3 am?
Do I ever have the flue?
Do I ever cough on you?
Am I ever black and blue?
So I guess I'm perfect
How the hell would you know if I'm good in bed?
So I guess I'm Angelic?
Then why would you and your friends want to pass me around?
Just because I wear a skirt
Doesn't mean that I would want you
Doesn't mean that I would fuck you
Doesn't mean that I would love you
It doesn't mean anything
How do you know that I'm easy
When you don't even know my name?
I'm not free for your imaginary gang bangs
And NO I will not change the way I dress
And NO I will not change the way I live
And NO I will not leave my hair a mess
And NO I will not stop trying to be attractive
The last thing I would ever do
Is change for some EASY SLUT like you

Tilt My Head Up (10th)

Locked away
I breath softly
Don't make a sound
I've gotta pretty face
But my head hangs down
Trying to find out what's so great about you
There is something here now
Dont you feel it too?

No, no, why dont you look?
Please try, tilt my head up
I would shine, if I could
If I knew you were willing to watch

I'm awake
I remember
Like a mad man
Images of you
That I chose to ignore
Wish I could pull back time
so I could of thought it through
My moment is gone
And now so are you

No no, why dont you look?
Please try tilt my head up
I would shine if I could
If I knew you were willing to watch

Running from the truth
From the secrets that I keep
Hiding from the shadows
That I don't want to see
Blaming all of you
For the hurt I've caused in me
Flipping through the channels
That I don't want to see

I know mamma that you're proud of what I've become
But oh now mamma, are you proud of what I'm becoming?
Check the messages one more time for that lottery
Your dream trip has passed on by now, dont you blame it one me

My Hermit Crab (11th)

All the fish in the sea
Are trying to swim by me
Strut their stuff, trying to make me laugh
But I choose the Hermit Crab

They're loved by all the world
By those cover loving girls
And their lights shine bright for me
But your mysterious shadow is all I see

Shy shy shy
Shy shy shy
Shy shy shy
You try to hide it boy
Shy shy shy
Shy shy shy
Shy shy shy
Oh the way you hide it boy

I hope that you're the one
To finally realize
To try and look past my face
And try to creep inside

Now, that's no invitation
To get under my sheets
This river can be slow boy
If I want it to be

Sly sly sly
Sly sly sly
Sly sly sly
I know you said it boy
Sly sly sly
Sly sly sly
Sly sly sly
Try not to regret it boy

Oh John Doe (11th)

Oh John Doe
The boy toy
Dont you look at me that way
I knew when I made friends with you
I'd someday have to pay

And maybe Brendon's right
The way I hit on all the blue
But I find it strange
My persona doesn't change
So I guess I hit on the pink too

Oh John Doe
The boy toy
I dont know what to say
Maybe I screwed up another chance
Or maybe my knight will come riding someday

And Kayte would know
The way my feelings go
She always understands
And Sar would yell
Knights can go to hell
They only leave you horseless in the end

Oh girls you flower girls
Your gardens seem so swell
Oh girls you nasty girls
You hide your weeds so well

But pickin' on a stranger
Never hurt you much
You've never seen the danger
In that stranger's touch

And Jess would say
Aslan will blow them away
Lion's always have the last roar
And 'Chelle would tease
'Bout thouse memories
'Bout that rubber in my underwear drawer
Wich isn't there anymore

Oh John Doe
I'm goin' home
And I know that's nothing new
My sleepy nest
My treasure chest
This town kinda grows on you

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