Andy Zarowny


Episode 1
Episode 2
Episode 3
Episode 4
Episode 5
Episode 6
Episode 7
Episode 8
Episode 9
Episode 10
Episode 11
Episode 12
Episode 13
The Finale

Season 15
Season 14
Season 13
Season 12
Season 11
Season 10
Season 9
Season 8
Season 7
Season 6
Season 5

This is a personal fan-site,
it is non-profit, and is in no
way affiliated with CBS, SEG or Mark Burnett Productions, or any other entity involved in the creation, promotion, or other aspects of the television series, "SURVIVOR".  Most of the pictures were taken from the official CBS websites for "SURVIVOR" and "The CBS Morning Show".  This site is purely for the love of this series and means no harm nor ill to anyone.

As usual, we begin the final show with a recap of the previous 36 days.  How
Kota Tribe dominated winning nine of the first eleven challenges.  And then
how Kota crashed after the players were switched up.  The five finalists were
then highlighted.  Susie, who flipped sides early.  Matty, who hasn't won much
of anything.  Sugar, the Exile Queen.  Bob, the last of the Kota Tribe who has
won the last four challenges in a row.  And Ken, the manipulator.

Night 36 finds everyone pleased with the results of Tribal Council.  Everyone
except Ken.  He's still fuming that Bob did not give him the immunity necklace
and that his treacherous plan to boot Bob failed.  Sugar is VERY happy she
used her idol to save Matty, which sent Crystal packing.  Ken continues to
fume at Bob, but Bob retorts that he only promised if he thought that Ken was
in trouble.  Bob knew that Crystal was the planned boot, so he did not break
his promise.  Ken is so delusional, he still thinks he has a tight alliance with
Matty and Sugar.  LOL!!!

Day 37 and Sugar tells Uncle Cameraman that she hopes the Final Three are
Bob, Matty and herself.  She keeps playing Ken like a fiddle.  They go to fetch
the tree mail together and she continues to assure Ken that she's on his side.
They find a basket of war-paint and beads.  All five are to decorate themselves
like warriors.  They do a very good job.

The first of tonight's Immunity Challenges begins with digging under a wall
to reach an elevated maze.  After traversing it, enter another maze with 20
Gabonese huts.  Three of the huts contain bags of puzzle pieces.  After they
fetch all three bags, assemble a model of a Gabonese hut. 

Susie is first under the wall.  The others are right behind her.  She then is
first to complete the first maze.  Sugar and Ken follow her.  But all five players
are in close competition as they search the village maze for the bags of puzzle
pieces.  Matty starts to get a lead, finding the first two bags.  Bob looks like he
is slowing down after he gets his second bag.  Sugar is the first to find her
third bag, followed by Bob.  They get a head start on their puzzles, but Ken
and Matty also begin assembling.  Susie, is lost.  Bob manages to beat Sugar
and wins his fifth straight challenge!

Back at camp, Ken relaxes, confident in his alliances.  Susie is nervous and
fears she's going home.  She tries talking with Matty, but he offers only sage
advice, "… go with your gut".  This does not reassure her.  Matty and Sugar
discuss booting Susie.  Then Sugar talks with Bob.

At Tribal Council, Jeff tells Bob he's tied with the record for most consecutive
individual wins.  Matty thinks Bob is awesome!  Ken is jealous.  Susie is very
worried about tonight's vote.  Ken thinks that he repaired any damage from
the previous night.  Then Ken starts trashing Bob about not keeping his pro-
mise.  Bob fires back that he learned of Ken's treachery.  That Ken and Crystal
were plotting to blindside him after he gave Ken the necklace.  Ken still tries
to justify his move and that Bob is the bad guy.  He just keeps digging himself
into a deeper hole.  LOL!  Time's time to vote.  Ken votes to boot Susie.  The
rest show Ken the highway of shame, and rightly so!  YEAH!!!  I've been waiting
a long time to see this cockroach get voted off.  LOL!!!

Day 38 and the Final Four are having a happy morning.  Susie tells Matty that
she feels she must win today's challenge.  If she does, then she's voting to
boot Bob.  Matty gets the tree mail while Bob and Sugar share a boat ride.
All four must go to Exile island for the seasonal Memory Walk.  Along the way,
they must gather up masks representing the other 14 past players.  Then take
the masks of the 'Fallen Comrades' to the top of a plateau and burn them.  As
they walk and collect the masks, we get the obligatory recaps of each of the
past players.  At the plateau, the final four are greeted by locals who play
music during the mask-burning ceremony.

The final Immunity Challenge!  Each player gets 200 wooden tiles to build a
house of cards.  The first to get theirs 10 feet in height, or the one with the
tallest after 30 minutes, wins a guaranteed spot in the Final Three.  Susie and
Sugar just start building theirs willy-nilly.  Bob and Matty take their time to
construct a solid base.  Both of the ladies' houses come crashing down nine
minutes into the event.  Bob's then crashes leaving Matty with the tallest.  But
Susie and Sugar get right back at it.  With five minutes left to go, Sugar and
Susie are tied at 6.5 feet.  Matty's is at 5.5 feet.  Bob's is only 3.5 feet high and
he's still having trouble.  Susie gets hers to the 8 foot mark with less than a
minute left.  She decides to stop and not risk it any further.  Matty and Sugar
are both just over 7 feet and keep at it.  Sugar's and Bob's crash one more
time.  Matty fails to catch up and Susie wins!  She won both the first and last
individual immunity challenges.

Back at camp, the mood is somber.  Bob accepts that fact that he's going to
get booted off.  Susie starts to talk too much.  She's amazed she won!  Then
she asks Bob how many jury votes he thinks he has?  Bob is offended by the
question.  He answers what difference does it make now?  Matty and Sugar
ask Susie to just cool it.  Bob feels bad enough as it is, why rub his nose in
it?  Sugar is most unhappy and talks with Bob about splitting tonight's vote.
She'll vote for Matty if he does, giving him a chance to compete against Matty
in a tie-breaker.  Bob goes off to practice starting a fire.  Sugar feels like
Bob is a father figure to her.

At Tribal Council, Susie is very happy indeed that she won immunity.  She
again talks about how if she did not win, she knew she would be toast.  Bob
tells Jeff that he is very uncomfortable about tonight's vote.  He knows that
he is popular with The Jury and lets on that he would vote to boot Sugar over
Matty.  Matty says he cannot vote for Sugar after she saved him.  Sugar tells
Jeff that she feels that Matty is like a brother and Bob is like another father
to her.  She feels very torn, especially since she lost her real father.  Bob
gets choked up talking about his family.

It's time to vote.  We see Matty vote for Bob and Bob vote for Matty.  Jeff
counts the votes and it is a tie!  Bob and Matty must now build fires to burn
through a string and release a flag.  Bob gets his fire started right away, but
before he can fuel it, it goes out.  Matty is having a lot of trouble.  Bob gets
his going again.  He adds fuel and the fire grows quickly.  It burns through
the string and Bob wins!!!  The ex-Kota members of The Jury are very happy!
Ken and Crystal look disappointed.  Matty is not bitter when he goes to the
confessional after being booted off.

Click here for Part Two of "Goodbye Gabon"
