by Andy Zarowny


Episode 1
Episode 2
Episode 3
Episode 4
Episode 5
Episode 6
Episode 7
Episode 8
Episode 9
Episode 10
Episode 11
Episode 12
Episode 13
Episode 14
The Finale

Season 15
Season 14
Season 13
Season 12
Season 11
Season 10
Season 9
Season 8
Season 7
Season 6
Season 5

This is a personal fan-site,
it is non-profit, and is in no
way affiliated with CBS, SEG or Mark Burnett Productions, or any other entity involved in the creation, promotion, or other aspects of the television series, "SURVIVOR".  Most of the pictures were taken from the official CBS websites for "SURVIVOR" and "The CBS Morning Show".  This site is purely for the love of this series and means no harm nor ill to anyone.

NIGHT SIX and the Fans return to camp after booting off Mary.  Mickey B is
very upset that his closest ally is gone.  He is most irritated with Joel for
back-stabbing him.  MB tells Joel he wants to thin out the weaker players
and make the tribe stronger.  Over at Faves Camp, the couples throw a beach
party and invite Eliza along.  They try to woo her to their alliance and tell her
thay want to boot Yau-Man off first.  Eliza, naturally, tells her allies, including
Yau-Man, what they're plotting.  Cirie has not yet decided which alliance she
will side with.

Day Seven and tree-mail arrives, along with jars of face paint.  Both tribes are going to war.  Each tribe also gets a copy of the Survivor Camp Shopping
catalog.  Tribes will each select three reward prizes from it.  Jeff explains
the event rules when both teams gather.  Each will begin on opposite sides
of a lagoon and have 3 burlap bags.  Not sure what they're filled with, but
they are stuffed with something.  Once the challenge begins, each tribe will
charge forward and try to get their bags into the other's 'end zone'.  Tribes
may steal bags from the other.  First to get five bags into the end zone wins
their three reward items plus makes the Exile Island selections.  The event
is a very physical one.  Both tribes throw each other around, lots of tackling,
and other roughness.  The scoring goes back and forth, but eventually, the
Faves manage to get five bags into their end zone and win.  Their reward
items are a large tarp plus lighting and a survival kit.  They again select Kathy
for Exile Island and Ami goes along for the ride.

The Faves celebrate!  Cirie seems melancholy.  She thinks she's an outsider,
in the middle between the two alliances.  Cirie expects both groups to be
trying to earn her support with gifts and tribute.  LOL!  Parvati and Amanda
take Cirie on a ride in the bamboo fishing boat/raft and stroke her ego.  Jon
and Eliza watch from shore and worry that Cirie may not be as firm an ally
as they hoped.  On Exile Island, Ami is busy finding and reading clues, but
Kathy has no desire to keep swimming back and forth like last time.  Clue
hunting ends early when a fierce storm approaches.  That night, the Fans
get soaked thoroughly from the storm, while the Faves are cozy and dry
thanks to the new tarp.

Day Eight and the Fans had a rough night.  They stir themselves into action
but are very demoralized.  They're raw to the bone after getting drenched.
But it's time for the Immunity Challenge.  Both tribes are gathered and
Kathy and Ami rejoin them on Challenge Beach.  Today's event is Battle
Coconuts.  Two men and two women from each tribe will hold ropes keep-
ing a huge basket-like net raised.  The rest will try throwing coconuts into
the other's tribe net, making it heavier.  First tribe to drop their net looses.
The Faves holders are Parvati, James, Jon and Cirie.  The Fans holders are
Joel, Tracy, Erik, and Natalie.  The other Fans prove to be better shots than
the remaining Faves, and the Faves net fills quickly, getting heavier and
heavier.  The Faves throwers do catch up, but the clock is against them as
their holders strain from the weight and drop their net.  The Fans win!

Back at Camp Faves, the politicking begins.  Jon and Yau-Man decide to
target Parvati again.  Parvati tells James she wants Yau-Man gone, but James
is reluctant.  He and Ozzy are thinking about booting Eliza instead in order
to keep the tribe strong.  They approach Cirie who is adamant about booting
Yau-Man next.  Jon and Ami try to convince Cirie to vote their way, but Cirie
doesn't trust them and openly challenges their position.  She tells them
that she knows Jon and Yau-Man are tight and wants Yau gone.  Jon then
scrambles and tries working Ozzy by agreeing to boot Eliza instead.  Ozzy
seems convinced and tells his allies about the change in plans.  Cirie still
wants Yau-Man gone and makes it clear that's who she's voting for.  Jon
tells his allies that he thinks they should stick with their plan to boot Parvati
because he's now confident that the others will split their votes between
Eliza and Yau-Man.

At Tribal Council, Jon says he is disappointed with the challenge loss. 
James has new respect for the Fans.  So does Yau-Man.  Jon describes how
some in the Faves tribe want to keep the strong players around while others
are already playing an End Game.  Cirie takes that personally and defends
her choice to boot Yau-Man.  She says she does not trust half the tribe.  Jon
and her argue.  Parvati's name comes up and she tells Jeff she knew she is
a target.  It's time to vote.  Jon and Yau-Man vote to boot Parvati.  Ami cast
her ballot against Cirie!  Where did that come from???  The rest, including
Eliza of all people, vote to boot poor Yau-Man.  Our hero is gone!  Jeff warns
them that they better all get on the same page quickly.

SPOILERS:  Jon and Cirie continue to bicker with each other.  Mickey B and
Joel also are in conflict.  Meanwhile, some lucky fool finds an immunity idol
on Exile Island!
