How to use gospel tracts in personal soulwinning.

Here you will not only learn how to start a tract ministry but where you can receive FREE printed gospel tracts in many languages for distribution. (World wide orders received) You will also receive countless tips and ideas for incorporating soulwinning through tracts into your everyday life or already existing ministry. This truly is well worth the time taken out for reading if you are serious about reaching the lost for Christ.

As a single mother who desires to honor God with my life & has a passion for reaching lost souls, soulwinning of course is always on my heart. But because of the constant demand of my attention that I receive daily from my kids, it can sometimes become difficult to find the time. Not just to get out and do soulwinning, but to even focus on it.

Over the years, I have found that gospel tracts are a priceless tool that can be used by Christians for reaching souls for Christ. This, of course, will never take the place of sharing your testimony or opening up the old King James Bible in one on one soulwinning, so please understand that I am not trying to say that. However, what a thing it is, to be able to leave a trail of tracts every where you go! Not to mention, this is something that your children can do also! Its that easy.

Through prayer, God can use each piece of gospel material you have left to reach someone who is in need of hearing the words it contains. The words of hope, forgiveness, love, comfort & salvation! Tracts can sometimes go where you cannot. People are more willing at times to pick up a gospel tract & read it, than to sit and listen to you share God's words with them face to face. It is less pressure on them, and not to mention on you. Another good thing, is that they can take the tract with them, and possibly share it with others they know resulting in the furtherance of the gospel. The ways God can use tracts to reach folks is of course pretty much endless.

Through this site I would like to give a few examples & ideas on how you can use tracts effectively. Now, please bear with me, I am NOT a writer & my English is far less than perfect, however I trust with the help of the Lord, I can communicate to you a few ideas on how YOU can become more involved in personal soulwinning through the distribution of gospel printed literature.

We must first remember, sharing the gospel is not just something we "should do," however something we "MUST." We are commanded by God to do so, and will be held accountable. Please take that thought into consideration before reading on.

"First of all, what is a tract?" A gospel tract is simply a little piece of paper declaring God's words regarding Salvation. There are tracts available on many different topics, but each is pretty much geared toward showing folks out of the Bible how they can be saved.

Most tracts have the addresses of the ministry that printed them right on the back, so the person is able to contact them for further help if needed, or to let someone know they have received Christ as their personal Saviour as a result of them making the tracts. There is often a little space on the back of tracts for you to put your name & address too, if this is something that you would like to do. We at Sure Mercies Outreach receive several gospel tracts that have been returned to us in the mail as a result of us sending them out to people. But again, this is optional, you don't have to let anyone know you are the one who has left the tract for them. Here is an example of what I mean.

This example tract is provided by the 'Fellowship Tract League'