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Kate's Homepage

Hi, I'm Kate. Welcome to my homepage. If this is your first time coming to my page, look around and sign my guestbook. I also have a poetry archive of my own poetry. If you see any mistakes on my page, let me know and I'll fix them. Also, I LOVE getting email so if you have any ideas/thoughts or just want a person to email with, send me some.

If you'd like a great page for finding just about anything check out my search page. I've also "began" a lyrics collection, and am open to suggestions as it will be growing and improving! Oh, and while you're at it, would you be so kind as to check out one of friend's homepage? Lastly, I have one more addition to my home pages. I have an ongoing pictures page up. I apologize for the large file sizes on the page, but I'll be downsizing them, eventually!

Angelfire Directory

Quote for the Week: Look for the good in everything and you will find it.

An Extra Quote: People only see what they are prepared to see. ~Ralph Waldo Emerson

Mount Nevermind- For Gnome Lovers
Looking For Lyrics? Here's The Place!
Shakespeare- A Page Dedicated to Shakespeare's Work.
"Puppy Rulebook"- A Page for Puppies and Their Owners.
Joke A Day- Free Daily Email With a Laughtime Guarantee
Smiles're Free!- Always a Great Page for a Good Laugh
Spyder's Empire- Greatest Collection of Poetry on the Web
World's End MUD Homepage- One of the Best Roleplaying MUDs on the Internet
Planet Schnauzer- A Great Place for Miniature Schnauzer Lovers
The Complete R.E.M Lyrics Archive- My Favorite Band
My Poetry Page!
Who Is Kate?

Wanna learn your fortune? Put your mouse over....


Read my Dreambook!
Sign my Dreambook!
