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Tiffany Tid Bites....

HIYA! And welcome to my page... it' all about me... In case you are wondering who me is.. I am Tiffany... and you are?? (I would know that if you were to sign my guestbook..hint hint!)

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Well, here is a little info about me..

I am 5-7 with light brown hair (now with blond highlights thanks to my hair man Denny!!) that is long and straight.. blue eyes (can't see them behind the glasses. This is my Movie Star Pic)..

I am a Recreation, Parks and Leisure Major with a concentration in Commercial Recreaction at Central Michigan University.

I will be graduating in May of 2000 after finsihing up my 30 week internship starting in Sept. of 1999

I have been involved in a few different groups on campus. Most recently I joined ALPHA PHI OMEGA (AKA--ALPO..) It is NOT GREEK. It is a co-ed service Frat. That KNOWS HOW TO PARTY!!!

As for what makes me happy and what I like.. well I LOVE FROGS..

not a pic ofme but isn't it cute!!

I am a Wing Nut and love HOCKEY.. I LOVE KEVIN HODSON #31 (now on Tampa Bay.. Damit it Scotty why did you trade him) ..GO WINGS!!!!!!! (Three-Peat?? Oh yeah baby!!)uh..oh sorry.. he always gets me so excited!

I also love to:





and just about anything you can think of!

As for my musical taste I like just about EVERYTHING (from classical to NIN)


I just can't dig that twang!

Well, I guess this is good for a start.. If you have any suggestions or fun ideas please tell me..I am not quite a computer geek yet (does that title come with a MIS minor??).. it only took forever to get a pic.. byeeeeeeee!

Links To My Other Cool Sites!!!!

FUNNY HOCKEY STUFF!! he he he.. to funny...
This is too cute!!
This is all about Me and My Friends!!!! (MORE PICS ON THIS PAGE!!!)
