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We are an international Christian church with 250,000 members in approximately forty nations. Our World Headquarters, including a Temple dedicated to the pursuit of peace, is located in Independence, Missouri. The church was organized in 1830 in New York State.


To Proclaim Jesus Christ and Promote Communities of JOY, HOPE, LOVE and PEACE.


A community of people where the gospel of Jesus Christ is the focus of worship, learning, caring, and mission.

Local congregations where deep friendships are established, individual ideas are valued, and where those special needs find security, care, and support.

A global community with a world-wide mission that values all cultures and celebrates the rich diversity of human life.

Meaningful opportunities to serve Jesus Christ by helping others and promoting peace.


Recognizing that the perception of truth is always qualified by human nature and experience, there is no official creed of the church that must be accepted by all members. However, through the years various statements, such as those below, have been developed to present the generally accepted beliefs of the church. All members are encouraged to study the scriptures, to participate in the life and mission of the church, and to examine their own experiences as they grow in understanding and response to the gospel of Jesus Christ.


God is the eternal Creator, the source of love, life, and truth. All things exist and have their being in God. God alone is worthy of our worship. God actively loves and cares for each person.


Jesus Christ is "God with us," the Son of God, and the living expression of God in the flesh. Jesus Christ lived, was crucified, died, and rose again. The nature, love, and purpose of God are most clearly seen in Jesus Christ, our Savior.


The Holy Spirit is the continuing presence of God in the world. The Spirit works in our minds and hearts through intelligence, comfort, guidance, love, and power to sustain and inspire us. God, Christ, and the Holy Spirit are One.


God loves us even though we are sinful. Through the ministry of Christ and the Holy Spirit we are able to turn to God and to receive the gift of salvation and eternal life. Those who accept the gospel are called to respond to Christ though baptism and by becoming committed disciples. As individuals exercise faith in Christ, and mold their lives to his example and teachings, they become new people.


The church, as the body of Christ, is the means through which the ministry of Christ continues in the world today. It is a community of people that seeks to bring God's love to all through compassionate ministry, worship, and witness. The church proclaims the gospel through word and action and administers the sacraments through which Christ is revealed.


The process through which God reveals divine will and love is called revelation. God continues to reveal today as in the past. God is revealed to us through scripture, the faith community, prayer, nature, and in human history.


The scriptures provide divine guidance and inspired insight for life when responsibly interpreted and faithfully applied. The Bible is the central book of scripture for the church. The Book of Mormon and the Doctrine and Covenants are additional witnesses of the love of God and the ministry of Christ.


The sacraments express the continuing life and ministry of Christ through the church. They provide meaningful worship experiences and symbols to establish or reaffirm our covenant (commitment) to God in response to God's grace. The sacraments of the church are:

Blessing of Children
Confirmation of Membership
The Lord's Supper (Communion)
Administration to the Sick
Ordination to the Priesthood
Evangelists Blessing.


God loves each of us equally and unconditionally. All persons have great worth and should be respected as creations of God with basic human rights. The willingness to love others is essential to faithfulness to the gospel of Christ.


All people are given gifts and abilities to enhance life and to become involved in Christ's mission. Some are called to particular responsibility as ordained ministers (priesthood) in the church. The church provides for a wide range of priesthood ministries through calling and ordination of men and women.


All people have freedom to choose. Our choices bring real consequences - good and evil - to our lives, to the lives of others, and to our environment. Commitment to Christ, sensitivity to the Holy Spirit, and participation in the faith community help us to make responsible choices that enhance human life and respect creation.


All things were created by God and should be used for the purposes of God. Stewardship is the wise management of gifts and resources to enrich personal, family, congregational, and community life. Wise stewardship of natural resources is a critical concern.


God's kingdom is present wherever people acknowledge the lordship of God over life, relationships, and creation. The full coming of the Kingdom awaits the final victory over evil when divine rule is established and justice, peace, and righteousness prevail.


The "cause of Zion" expresses our commitment to pursuing God's kingdom through the establishment of Christ-centered communities in families, congregations, neighborhoods, cities, and throughout the world.


Because of our commitment to Christ and our belief in the power of community and the worth of all people, we are compelled to spend ourselves in the pursuit of justice and peace.


God conserves and renews life. This truth is revealed in the resurrection of Jesus Christ which is a sign of God's ultimate victory over death. We find hope and courage for living through the resurrection of Christ. By the power of God in Christ, people move from death into life. Through resurrection, God transforms individuals, bringing them into the fullness of eternal life.


Our eternal destiny is determined by God according to divine wisdom and love, and according to our response to God's call to us. God's judgment is just and is primarily concerned about the kind of people we have become in relation to the potential of our lives.


God is acting in history to reconcile all aspects of creation to divine purpose. The meaning and end to which history moves is revealed in Christ. The ultimate victory of righteousness and peace over injustice, evil, and sin is assured because of the unfailing love of God and the conviction that Christ is coming again.

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Added December 4, 1999