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Book Reviews

For more reviews, go to and search for "Brian Jacques" and then you'll get info on all his works just by clicking the titles.
Let's begin. We will do this in chronological order.
This story focuses on a young mouse, Martin, who is a captive at the evil castle Marshank (By the way, Martin is mentioned in every single book in the series. He is the founder of the abbey and always visits characters in dreams. So he is extremely important.) A mousemaid and her companion rescue Martin, and they set off on an adventure together with 2 others. I won't say any more except for don't get too attached to Rose. You'll know what I mean after you read it-trust me.
When a cruel and greedy wildcat inherits rule over Mossflower from her father, who she poisoned so that she could take the throne, Martin and his friends rescue the land from her cruel iron grip by going to Salamandastron.
When the abandoned son of the warlord Swartt Sixclaw is discovered by Redwallers, they put a young mousemaid named Bryony in charge of raising him. Although she tries to raise him right, when he poisons an old hedgehog he is cast out of the abbey. Bryony and her molefriend Toggle go after him, and learn a lesson in the process. Meanwhile, a new badger reigns in Salamandastron.
Review coming soon-the book is in my locker and I can't remember the story. So go to and search out "Mariel of Redwall" for now.
Mariel and Dandin set off four seasons ago to fight evil and they still have not returned. So Joseph and four Redwallers set off to find them, and wind up in the middle of a war.
I must admit, I can't remember what happens in this book; it is my least favorite in the series and so I have not really read it that closely. Just go to and search out the title for a better review than I can give.
A young mouse, Matthias, saves the abbey from an evil warlord named Cluny. He becomes Abbey Warrior and wields the Sword of Martin after he retakes it from a giant adder. He also befriends a group of sparrows (sparra) that live in the loft of the abbey.
After the children from Redwall are captured by a fox named Slagar, Matthias and some others set out to rescue them. They wind up fighting in an underground city.
After the abbot is ransomed for 6 pink pearls that are hidden in the area, a young hogmaid named Tansy, her friend Craklyn and some others search for the pearls. Meanwhile, a female otter named Grath, whose family's holt, Holt Lutra, was killed by the same evilbeasts that captured the abbot, seeks revenge.
A young hare, taken under the wing of a wandering female squirrel named Russa Nodrey, runs off to join the Long Patrol. The Patrol itself is batting the warlord Damug Warfang of the Firstblade. This is, I think, the best book in the series. One word of advice-get out the Kleenex for chapter 25- you'll need it. This part is sadder than the end of Martin the Warrior, which is about as sad as it gets.
I will post a review as soon as I finish reading this. In the meanwhile, I think you know where to go for a review.