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Rave's Dedications

I know that on my front page I wrote a special somthing for all my friends..but there are those people in my life that deserve so much more...and this is my shout out to them.

JADE-What can I say girlfriend. You truly are a sweet darlin. Always there with a shoulder to lean ear to listen to my problems and confusions...I am honored to call you friend. You mean so much to me hun! You are more than a friend to me and don't you ever ever forget it! I don't know what I would ever do without you!

Cyclone/Bifish-Well what can I say? Thanks for being such a great friend to me through it all! Take care and I wish you the best in all you do! I hope you get what you wish for!

DR.WHO/NINJA-I couldn't decide between these two nicks, so I'll just use them both. Thank you so much for always being there to bring a smile to my face. To make me laugh when I am at my worst. And for lately just listening to me. That means a lot to me..and so do you. :o)

SPIDEY-You came along when I was feeling pretty low and all of a sudden you made me laugh like I haven't laughed in a long time. You made chat fun again. You really know how to play and have a goodtime even with all the fighting. It's great to have friends like you. Though I have to admit you are pretty unique.

SHISKA (RHONDA)-To someone who's been around for years and hasn't given up on me yet. You've been through some of my worst times with me. Thank you for standing by me and just being there even when you didn't agree with what I was doing or understand why. You are the perfect definition of what the word friend means to me. I can't thank you enough.

RPM-You and I haven't known each other that long but in the short time that we have been together it's been wonderful knowing you. You are one of the sweetest most loving men we have ever met! And I'm very glad that you share that with me! Thank you baby for bringing out the best of me! I love you!

WONKA-To one of the greatest guys I've ever met on the net. you've got a great heart. And a wonderful sense of humor. I miss chattin with you. Take care! And stay out of trouble. ;o) j/k.

SIRDINGO-To one of the nicest, "baddest" ;o) guys I've met in chat. You have a heart of gold. I'm so glad you came to my party. It set off what's turning out to be the start of a beautiful friendship.

TUBEMAKER-I know we just met but you are becoming a great friend to me! And I love playing trivia with you. It was great meeting you! Take care! Oh and I"m gonna kick your ass at trivia! Just you wait and see! And then you are gonna owe me ice cream! And I want it delivered in person! LOL THAT DAY!

TIGGS-Girl you have to be one of the sweetest and coolest girls I've met on the net! It was soooo terrific meeting you in person! You are so much fun! Oh and Tiggs gives you tons of hugs! :o) *hugs* Take care!

SPARKY-Hi! Wow it was sooo cool meeting you! You are such a wonderful man, and so funny! Thanks for taking care of me while I was there. You are the best! Take care of Sharon for me! Okie? I love you and miss you! Can't wait to see you again!

TrOoPeR-Hey Troop! You're crazy, silly, and a lot of fun to chat with! Oh and I like Bobarker a lot too! hehe Keep bringing him back to my room to play those games! But stop picking on me you little creep! lmao Actualy don't, it just gives me something to bitch about later! lol You really are a great friend Keith! Just want you to know that!

{DrAGoN}-I can't begin to tell you how much your friendship means to me. You always take the time to listen. And best of all you always know how to make me smile. I just hope this friendship that we share means the same to you. Take care of yourself and don't let this world get you down. Because if it does...I'll hvae to pull you back up~ And you know by now that I will! *hugs*

And last but not least.....

HUBBY-My dear hubby. Wow..we've been through hell and back a few times. But I can't think of anyone I would rather go through it with than you. You are my strength and my inspiration. I love you and don't you forget it!

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