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Mad Libby

*Artistic Dreamer's World*
~Introlize Your Soul~ ~Radiant Spirited Stories of Mine~ ~Ultra Kewl Poetry~

Wondering Why...

Mad Libs R So Fun?

*~Adjective~* Describes something...

ex:Creamy, Silvery, Saucily...

~*Adverb*~ Action word...

*~Verb~* a word that shows action or a condition of being...

Ex: My best friends' Victoria, Amanda, & I all ate a piece of apple pie with two scoops of creamy vanilla with caremel droppings on it, then we were asleep faster than you could say...

... FruitfullyActive...

What to do... All you gotta do is write down your own answers to match what you read...Be sure to write it as it is... the correct letters with the correct numbers or else it might not work...

When you're done writing them, go to the bottom of this page and read your wacky stories...

Be creative and have fun with it!!!

1. A. Adjective

B. Adjective

C. Adjective ending in ly

D. object

E. a thing

2. A. Person or a thing

B. Adverb

C. Adverb ending in ed

D. Dinosaur

E. Body Part

3. A. time

B. person's name

C. Adjective

D. Adverb with ed ending

E. Action Verb ending in ly

4. A. color

B. body part


D. adjective

E. a place

F. object

G. adverb

H. holiday

5. A. a song

B. adjective

C. insect

D. candy of some kind

E. adjective

6. A. adverb

B. adjective

C. adjective

D. adjective

E. color

7.A. fictinal descriptive word-place

B. food you can eat

C. adjective

D. an animal

E. object

F. object

G. object

8.A.action verb

B.body part


D.action verb ending in ing item




D.household object

F.body part

10.A.action verb

B.verb you can walk on

D.body part

E.I'm Sorry

There lay a(n)(1-A) blue dog with itz (1-B) tail wagging it so (1-C) it looked like it could use a (1-D) to brush it’s (1-E)...


Happy days came when (2-A)came out to play in the (2-B)rain, with all of the (2-C)knoweledge of a (2-D)'s (2-E) ...


One (3-A) in (3-B) Castle there lay an (3-C) angel with it’z (3-D) wings glowing (3-E) second upon second, flying towards the windowed exit, which lead towards freedom....


One (4-A) gloved (4-B)moved towards the (4-C) eyes from the (4-D) hole in the (4-E) which conceived a(n) (4-F) to (4-G) a ghost from the (4-H) past...


Britney came upon a thing called (5-A) and wondered, (5-B) if she were the only one who wanted a (5-C) with a dropping of (5-D) ontop for her (5-E)18th birthday.


Stories which (6-A) sweetly come to life when put in a big (6-B) box of crayons full of colors so (6-C) they run the others off the list as (6-D)(6-E) horses.


Go away to another kind of (7-A) to find a complottion of (7-B) upon (7-C) grass within distance of finding a(n) (7-D) propelling itself through an open (7-E) using a(n) (7-F) to reach it’s (7-G)


Sorry I haven’t (8-A) you in forever but my (8-B) has subsided me with an (8-C) accident of (8-D) my renewed soul with patches of (8-E) down my back...


Omgosh I think I just tripped on a (9-A)(9-B) clover which made me freak out in a rash of (9-C) who followed me to a big ole (9-D) to get millions of ounces of (9-E) through my (9-F) forever...


Look where you shall (10-A) so if you (10-B) on a crack in the (10-C)your (10-D) won’t be crestfallen when you say(10-E) ...


Please Sign my Guestbook! I'd greatly appreciate it if you would!!!

Thanks!!! :) Sarah

Another way to do the mad libs...

There lay a(n) (Adjective) blue dog with itz (Adjective) tail wagging it so (adjective-ending in ly) it looked like it could use a (object) to brush it’s (thing)...

Happy days came when (noun (Person or a Thing) came out to play in the (adverb) rain, with all of the (adverb ending in ed) knoweledge of a (dinosaur)’s) (body part) ...

One (time) in (person’s name) Castle there lay an (adjective) angel with it’z (adverb with ed ending) wings glowing (action verb ending in ly) second upon second, flying towards the windowed exit, which lead towards freedom....

One (color) gloved (body part) moved towards the (adjective) eyes from the (adjective) hole in the (place) which conceived a(n) (object) to (adverb) a ghost from the (holiday) past...

Britney came upon a thing called (a song) and wondered, (adjective) if she were the only one who wanted a (insect) with a dropping of (candy of some kind) ontop for her (adjective)18th birthday.

Stories which (adverb) sweetly come to life when put in a big (adjective) box of crayons full of colors so (adjective) they run the others off the list as (adjective) (color) horses.

Go away to another kind of (fictional descriptive word-place) to find a complottion of (food you eat) upon (adjective) grass within distance of finding a(n) (animal) propelling itself through an open (object) using a(n) (object) to reach it’s (object)


Sorry I haven’t (action verb) you in forever but my (body part) has subsided me with an (adjective) accident of (action verb ending in ing) my renewed soul with patches of (food item) down my back...

Omgosh I think I just tripped on a (number)(object) clover which made me freak out in a rash of (insects) who followed me to a big ole (household object) to get millions of ounces of (food) through my (body part) forever...

Look where you shall (action verb) so if you (verb) on a crack in the (place you can walk on) your (body part) won’t be crestfallen when you say (I’m sorry) ...



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