Subject: PsyVampyr
Born: August 5, 1981
Birth Place: Grand Rapids, MI
Current Residence: New Orleans, LA

Hobbies: reading, writing, spending long hours brooding over pots of black coffee, going to live concerts, spending time with the few friends I decide to keep.

Interests: angels, vampires, other supernatural and paranormal beings, magic(k), language, psychology, politics, physical, spiritual, and mental development

Comments: Since you're looking at a website which I created then you already know a little bit about me. I'm a horribly underpublished writed and the few things that I have posted on this page for all of you to read are only a sliver of the stockpile of prose and poetry that I keep, not to mention my works in progress. Though I have a BA I nevertheless work in the service industry (as most people end up doing in New Orleans) as a bartender in order to keep my bills paid. I've been interested in the occult for about ten years now and have made it a habit to continue delving into what I find to be a fascinating religious subculture. I've lived in both Mexico City and Berlin, and speak fluent spanish and german. I've also studied a fair share of Italian and a bit of Dutch. I hope you've enjoyed my site thus far. The addition of this bio section is only one step in the great update. Keep checking back for the others.