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Frequently Asked Questions

How do I use these codes?

You need a Game Shark to use these codes.

What is a Game Shark?

It is a 'Game Genie' type of device for the PSX, Nintendo 64, Saturn, Gameboy, or a PC. When you enter codes on it, it will perform certain functions in the game. An example is: unlimited lives or items.

Where do I buy a Game Shark?

You can buy one at Babbages, Best Buy, Electronics Boutique, Toys 'r' us, Kay Bee Toy Store, or pretty much any place that sells video games.

Why do some codes not work?

With some of our codes, you HAVE to have the most current version of GameShark software to use them! Also, make sure not to use import codes on domestic games, and vice versa.

How do you make these codes?

Code Master and Thunder use a PC Comms Link. It searches out the PSX's/SAT's RAM values and finds the codes.

What is a PC Comms Link?

A Board that you install to your PC, that interfaces your PC and your Game Shark. It is used to transfer codes and such between the two of them.

Is there a Comms Link for Mac or without use of a computer?

As of now, no. And Datel has no current plans to produce one.

Where do I buy a PC Comms Link?

Get one at Datel's Webpage. However, they have likely stopped selling them by now, so you're out of luck.

Where can I get my Game Shark/Action Replay updated, then?

InterAct updates GameSharks for a small fee, if you send it in to them. Use the link in the navbar to go to their webpage and find out more.

What is the difference between a Game Shark and an Action Replay?

They are the same device, same piece of hardware, they do have different software, but they work the same way! The "Action Replay" is the name for the device in Europe.

Are the codes compatible with Game Shark and Action Replay?

They are if they are used on the same version of a game. The "country" that a code is for, is what to use (American, Japanese, or British) and the actual hardware you use doesn't matter. For example, Infinite Lives for and American Game will work on either an Action Replay or a Game Shark if they are used on the same version game!

Where do I find Japanese/UK codes?

Use the link above (in the FAQ) to go to Datel, as they have those codes. We do have import codes for some systems, but far less than the amount of domestic codes we have.

Why is the page updated faster sometimes than others?

The page is usually updated frequently for all systems. Sometimes, however, a system might be getting old (like Saturn) or not have enough new codes (like Game Boy) and we might wait an extra day or two... or more. Don't worry, we're always here for you.