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Darren's New Genetically Engineered Resistant American Chestnut

Last updated March 20, 2002
Use the table of contents on the right to explore this page! Contact me at any time with your questions, click here to: Send e-mail. 
Table of Contents 
2002 Grafting Plans 
Upcoming Activities 
Welcome to "The Page", my version of an on-line News Letter and Information Clearing House, for those interested in following up to the minute details of my research efforts, to restore the American Chestnut. These activities largely revolve on trees and facilities located at the Beltsville Agricultural Research Center (located in beautiful Beltsville, Maryland), but also include details about forays ranging from the Mid-Atlantic states to Mid-Michigan. My other pages that detailed the bulk of my efforts to Save The American Chestnut were somehow squeezed out by Geocities/yahoo. Efforts are currently underway to rebuild them here or with another provider. If you have questions or comments, I'll be happy to get them. I hope to hear from you soon! Keep your eyes on this page! Go on to view a list of upcoming activities and a list of my favorite links.

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2002 Grafting Plans (last updated Thursday, March 20, 2002)
Preliminary plans are being laid for a grafting clinic to be held in late March or early April at the beautiful Accokeek Maryland location. If you would be interested in attending please e-mail me your intentions to do so ASAP. Include a day and evening phone number where you can be reached and let me know what dates, days and hours would be most convenient to you. Slots will be reserved on a first come basis. This clinic is recommended to anyone, even if you own no trees. If I can learn to graft you can too.

Send email.

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With the help of many friends a large amount of scionwood has been gathered and will be distributed soon. It never pays to hoard resources especially renewable ones. I have a friend that carefully guarded a select shoot of an important variety. She feared cutting even one bud would lead to infection or divert precious energy. The blight killed the branch that scionwood was on, the shoot died with it. The original source of the scionwood died too. No known source of that variety exists. Now no one has it. If you would like scionwood let me know, I'm more than happy to share. Maybe you'll end up sending me some in the future.

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