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*~Cool Petz Linkz~*

Download petz or order petz3 online!
Really cool petz site!
Dogz World
A AWSOME catz crazy page where I got most catz picz from!
Meg's Petz 3!
VISIT NOW!Soooooo cool!Loads of linkz voted 2nd best petz site!
Petz mania!
Really neat site!visit today!hehehehe

My favorite Dogz

Hi!Welcome to my page!I don't really know much about petz but I do know that they'er rreally cool!If you really like petz then please check out those sites!There ALL really cool!I would really like to thank this girl (I forget her name) But she gave me some of her picz!I really wanted to thank her so I'm putting up her web page!It's sooooo cool!The URL to it is upove~!It's called Catz Crazy!really cool site!Check it out!well , anyway , I REALLY need a baby sitter!I need one that does NOT do petz abuse!I don't like that!And I'll have to ask you afew questions just to be on the safe side!It won't be alot just like 1 , 2 or 3! So if you would like this job or theres some other jobs I have! I really would like to adopt some cute petz!I'lll take good care of them and I just want afew!Not alot!But only cute ones or breedable ones!Thankz!Come again soon I'll be updateing once a week!My e-mail is at the bottem!!
