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Alexander Checa Rios

Hi and welcome to my homepage! My name is Alex and I'm originally from Lawndale, California. I am the only one of 3 children born in the U.S. and I was born in April, 1971 (yes, I'm old:). My family is originally from Peru, but I also have Ecuadorian relatives on my father's side (who is in fact 1/2 Ecuadorian), so I guess you can say that I am 1/4 Ecuadorian. :) The following pics are just a sample of what's to come... the final pic is of the Andes in Peru. I thought the water effect was cool, and if you run your mouse pointer through it, it's like you're running your fingers through the water... This is basically my first webpage, so please enjoy what's here and check back occasionally for more changes. I plan to update this page as my free time allows(not much), and I have lots of ideas waiting to happen! I appreciate all comments, suggestions, and/or questions, so feel free to e-mail me anytime. --Alex--

These are pictures of me with some friends up in the Rocky Mountains of Colorado!

Me and my family

Me and my niece :)

Me in Puerto Rico

This was me a long, LONG time ago!!!

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My Favorite Web Sites

Inti-Illimani--My favorite music

Inti-Illimani--Chilean Site

e-Bay--The BEST auctions online!

Free E-mail Service!


Thank you for being visitor