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Hello! I'm Matt.I live in Michigan, a wonderful state with great fishing opportunities. I finally decided to make an attempt at creating a website! It's constantly under construction, and I am always looking at something new and cool I can put here! If you have any suggestions on how I can improve it or any links to add, or anything you think will look cool, feel free to let me know! Check my links page for links to most of the graphics you see here, along with a LOT of great resources for animated gif's and Javascripts. I also have a Mac Links Page for all my Mac using friends to check out...a lot of KEWL links there! Check out the pages of my friends on the net too.


I like to chat on the net, and have made a lot of friends chatting, and I feel very privileged and honored to have met over 80 of them in person. Pretty much everyone I met was the same person in real life as the image they presented on chat. That's a question I am asked a lot when I mention the people I have met. It's comforting to know that we aren't all axe-murderers and rip-offs, like some of the media would have people believe.

I took a few drives last summer from July to October meeting a lot of these people. The first trip I took, in July, was to attend a party in Washington D.C., where I met some dear friends I had chatted with for several months. What a treat!! I had planned a 3-4 day trip there and back home, but then made a spontaneous decision to go south and visit some other chat friends...well, 4400 miles and 10 days later I returned home. I had stopped in North Carolina, Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, Dallas and Houston Texas, and Tennessee. What a FANTASTIC trip!! There are some pictures and an online magazine story here of this trip. The chatsite I was a member of heard of my trip and wanted to do a story on it. I must give special Thanks to all the people whose homes I visited, and who saved me a motel bill by giving me their couch to sleep all are wonderful, giving people! Very Special Thanks and HUGS!! to SassyChick, who provided me sleeping facilities on both trips to are a very dear and giving friend!! And also, to Intenseguy, who skillfully crafted a "SuperMatt World Tour" t-shirt and sent it to all the people I visited on the trip....Karl is a thoughtful, giving, caring person, and I'm honored to call him a friend. Be sure to check out his website, he has some wonderful insights there on life and friendship.

There were to be a few trips following this one...I returned to Houston 3 weeks later, visiting again with friends there, and this time I got to meet Hugaholic, #1 Chat Pal in all of Cyberspace! What a darling lady she is!! Talk about a great bunch of people...I umm, got lost after getting into Houston, and several waited at a Disco for me to arrive at 1:00 am! I went up to Kansas on leaving Houston to meet a great gal there and have dinner, then on to Indianapolis, where I stopped to say hi to Indyanna, a wonderful lady I have known since I started chatting almost 2 years ago.

The next trip I took was to a GREAT Party in Chicago, with chatters attending from as far as Seattle, Philadelphia, and Houston. A couple of us took a drive to Indiana and met with Grati2de, a good friend and the maker of the Photo Album on the net. Then it was back to Chicago, and home to Michigan again.

One of the high points of my travels was not only seeing some of the wonders of Washington, D.C. (thanks for the tour Cath!!) but also seeing the mountains of Washington State. Here are pages 1 and 2 of the beautiful Mount Rainier National Park. And here's a page of pictures of the Columbia River Gorge, which is for the most part the border between Washington and Oregon, an absolutely gorgeous part of this great country! The purpose of that particular journey in October was to go to Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, to have the great honor of being best man in a wedding of two dear friends who met on chat. Check out some wedding pictures here. It was wonderful to meet the happy couple in person, and a real privilege to stand up as Best Man. YES, people DO actually meet and get married from the internet, I know several couples who have!!

Where will I go next?? Unknown, but it is sure to be an exciting time, meeting some of YOU out there from Cyberspace....I can think of at least about 50 people I want to meet from the net...never know, the SuperMatt World Tour could be stopping by your place next!! Until then....hope you enjoy my site, and if you see anything you'd like me to add or change, please drop me a note!! Thanks!!



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