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The Home Page you're glad you came
home to.


Hi, my name is Scott Geiger, and my home page is here for you. I had a little time and got a page up with pictures of the house that Katie and I purchased. Besides working in a great school (look for Pepperell Middle School), Rome has great places to relax. I got a few photos up of Berry College . Please come back and check in every so often. Not to often. I do have a life and don't have a lot of time to keep updating.

Since Katie loved it so much, I will tell you a little about myself. Dad lives in a little town called Frankenmuth, MI with his wife Deb, and my baby sister Ashley. Mom lives in Lansing, MI. My older siter Dawn is in Bloomfield Hills, MI with my niece Brooklyn. Living close to Brooklyn is my younger sister Denise who lives on the west side of Manhattan. Dawn, Denise and I all attended Michigan State University. It was definitly the best time of my life. I also was a (and am still) a proud member of the Bluecoats Drum and Bugle Corps.

After graduating college I moved out to Rawlins Wy, where I taught for two years (still looking for a good website to link to). From there I moved into New Orleans, LA.While I was there, I picked up my two graet compadres: Humphrey and Jenkins. I'll try and get pics up of them real soon. They are my children, and highly encourage anyone to adopt animals from your local shelter whenever possible. Not only are "mutts" known to have better temperments, but they also know that they were saved and were picked by someone who loves them. My boys are no different... except for when they run out of the yard.

I'm also going to try and get pics up of New Orleans, as well as the places I've lived before. A tall task considering the web space I have. Let's see if it's possible!

Try searching via the "Scott Search"... just like me!!

Send email to, and feel good doing it.

Everyone who visits my page is special to me. Just so you know that you are not alone in this world, you are the: person to have visited this page

Since August, 2000
Here's a picture of me if you're interested. I know it's huge, but resizing it became a problem::

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